To be fair, that’s how a lot of manufacturers attach trim pieces. However, they tend to use high-quality bonding adhesive that is as strong as (or stronger than) welding. Not fucking Elmer’s Glue.
Hey every glue has a purpose. Elmer used to run the fastest races. Now elmer makes delicious Jello, fine wooden instruments and the very best whatever it is that little girl made for her daddy in kinder. Elmer, you’re the best!
elon went super cheap. not to mention the panels are not even designed properly.
I know how the world works, but i’m still blown away that they would cheap out on glue on a 100k dollar car. Is that a dollar per car in that quantity? And if they sell all of them they saved 1000 dollars? On the other hand, i kinda believe these things are ment to fail. It’s just a tesla thing. I worked with a guy who was super proud when he ordered a new tesla (like 5 or 6 years ago) i never pissed on his bonfire, i kinda just nodded when he told me that he’s soon driving the vest car on the planet. He got the car delivered about 7 month late and unfortunately i haven’t seen it, but apparently the car was in a laughably bad state. Panel gaps, things on the interior that weren’t aligned at all, the car made a weird noise and so on. He didn’t accept it and the delivery guy was like: k, bye. He obviously had couldn’t tell him when he get his new car, but he said that he’s gonna deliver the car to the next person until someone signs up on it. When he finally got his car, it was still not right and he had to bring it to a garage. But they don’t exist, so someone came to pick it up again to bring it to some mystery place. At this point, he started reading up on tesla and it’s problems, so he started reading up on it and got very paranoid. He started marking a lot of things in the car. He said he used to do the same thing withhis other cars, marking spark plugs for example, because sometimes they just claim to change them. His car vanished for another few month and when he got it back they claimed they only did vasic maintenance and “adjustments”. According to him, they switched out the whole driveshaft for example. But they denied everything.
So my big dumb conspiracy theory is that they build a video game car that isn’t even close to finished. So when the panels come off, they have time to actually fix other problems.
And if they sell all of them they saved 1000 dollars?
Well, if he skimps on a million things, he saves a billion dollars.
Well, I doubt they really went super cheap. I read elsewhere they used the same glue that is in other high end cars but most cars don’t have stainless steel being one of the panels. SS conducts heat better than regular steel apparently and that might have caused differences in curing. Any car that differs this much from the norm will have unexpected problems. They should have done a bit more testing, but I wonder if this particuar issue would have come up in any reasonable test situation. I see hundreds of those trucks on the road and never saw one with missing panels. The current atmosphere doesn’t reward accurate reporting on what should be a simple subject though, so who knows…
Elmo’s Glue 😂
More like Prick Stick
They may have used the proper glue… that foot pedal recall, proper glue, but the workers had trouble installing it so they added soap to the pedal without properly vetting it and that fucked up the glue.
Something like that could have happened again
Edit: Just thinking of a made up stupid reason like the soap and thought it was funny…
E.g: We were supposed to use a size 3 glue applicator as per the asssembly spec, but it was causing some excess glue to come out along the edges as we placed the trim down and it was a lot of effort to properly wipe up on each vehicle, so we started using a size 2 applicator with less glue! 🤦
Gluing to stainless is a pretty big pita. So even good glue wouldn’t work great
I can imagine. Even still, a bit of proper prep work and actual panel bonding adhesive (with some form of adhesion promoter) on the reverse side would have gone a long way, I think. I’m not a body guy though, just pulling shit out of my ass.
Yeah, it’s not that they used glue but that they used the wrong glue. Sounds like they’re replacing it with a different glue in the recall.
Imagine being dumb enough to buy one of these shits.
I saw a red one on the road the other day. Ugliest shit I have ever seen.
I’ve only seen it in pictures, but that doctor on the east coast that was complaining about get cybertruck hate a few weeks ago had a GOLD one. It’s the most hideous thing created by man since that McSpaghetti shit i saw a little while ago.
i seen one picking up thier SO on occasional, they look grotesque, and i saw one up close notice how short it is. and 2 types of people bought it, trump supporter that owned the libs although small group. and people who wanted attention from thier friends or family, or catching PUSS.
The Deplorian is the gift that keeps on giving
Didn’t he crash his business for using shitty glue in one episode too?
The stock got cheaper Thursday morning after his appearance
Hell yeah Gizmodo, go get 'em, we need more of this petty hating.
Well yeah, the only cyberway to cyberattach cybertrim is with cyberglue.
That doesn’t make it good, it makes it cybergood. Which is another word for shit.
you could tell from whistlindiesel videos, you could tell from how the panels just fell off the burned ones, you could tell by literally grabbing it and walking away without letting go. I’m still surprised they are acknowledging it.
“One hand…”
Trim is a legitimate target, you say?
Of course not; vandalism is wrong! 😇
Besides, it would be relatively ineffective anyway, since “just glued on” (with substandard glue) suggests that it would be relatively cheap and easy to replace. Hypothetically, in order to maximize the cost of damage, a vandal would target the rear quarter panel, since it’s typically part of the car’s unibody and thus one of the most laborious panels to fix. That would be really wrong.
according to another lemmy thread, they used cheap glue. more or less like stockton did with his “submersibles” using cheap/defective aircraft parts.
You don’t become a billionaire by spending money hurr durr
If you see a Cybertruck with a trailer hitch, one jump on there by a 200 pound person could total the car.
i wonder how the cybetruck handles speed bumps?
What a piece of junk. Tesla surely can’t survive this amount of bad press and boycotts. Hopefully.
Which is a shame for all the good honest decent people working there.
Oh, not to stop them from spontaneously combusting?
at least its a 100k charcuterie machines, it can slice a deer in half and your hands.
Much like Elon Musk’s image as a smart man.
Not that it matters, but according to Google they’re both 6’2"…
What a junk of shit. No wonder kudos but it!