I think it was originally a shorthand to say “nobody asked for this to happen”, but now it’s a monkey-brain neuron-activation type thing that OPs can do to scream at other users “THIS IS A MEME”
It’s like the misuse of the POV, which should have remained what it is, the bad kind of porn where you don’t see the guys hairy ass as he pounds away at the chick
My brain can’t filter it out, it just gets mad. Like when I’m filling up my car and there’s ads at the pump. My partner filters them out and I’m like “AAAAA I DO NOT WANT TO HEAR ABOUT TIKTOK LEAVE ME ALONE PUMP”
Yah I had a hybrid before and loved not having to stop for fuel as much. I wanted an EV but I got Mitzu for an insane deal in 2019, an EV would have cost like 4-5x what she did. I’m hoping for an EV for my next car, but I hope I can keep her for a very, VERY long time.
I went to buy this model and accidentally went to the wrong dealer, and they had the same model for the same price but maxed out in features, the highest “trim level” or whatever. I realized my “mistake” when I got home and the model I was going to get was still on sale… and appeared to have water damage.
I never understood the need of the whole "nobody"caption
I think it was originally a shorthand to say “nobody asked for this to happen”, but now it’s a monkey-brain neuron-activation type thing that OPs can do to scream at other users “THIS IS A MEME”
It’s like the misuse of the POV, which should have remained what it is, the bad kind of porn where you don’t see the guys hairy ass as he pounds away at the chick
Ironically the whole POV this is getting funnier when used wrong.
It’s like a laugh track for memes. Yeah it’s not really funny, but now people HAVE to laugh.
Well you see…
@[email protected]:
honestly by now my brain filters it out. i had to go back to the original post to play spot the difference for a second
My brain can’t filter it out, it just gets mad. Like when I’m filling up my car and there’s ads at the pump. My partner filters them out and I’m like “AAAAA I DO NOT WANT TO HEAR ABOUT TIKTOK LEAVE ME ALONE PUMP”
I forgot about those awful fucking things. I really don’t miss gas stations. I’d be tempted to take them out with a hammer if I didn’t have an EV.
Yah I had a hybrid before and loved not having to stop for fuel as much. I wanted an EV but I got Mitzu for an insane deal in 2019, an EV would have cost like 4-5x what she did. I’m hoping for an EV for my next car, but I hope I can keep her for a very, VERY long time.
I went to buy this model and accidentally went to the wrong dealer, and they had the same model for the same price but maxed out in features, the highest “trim level” or whatever. I realized my “mistake” when I got home and the model I was going to get was still on sale… and appeared to have water damage.
Love the subwoofer and glass roof hahaha
And you get an even bigger battery to throw into the ocean, making double the fun!