Honestly not a bad idea. The community notes are easier to trust and typically more accurate anyway.
Easier to trust and more accurate currently, but I don’t doubt that the algorithm to generate the notes will be internal and closed source, allowing them to utilize that trust to manipulate people.
Community notes are written and voted on by the community
and, what happens when say the community overwhelms, say a conservative facebook group, could add a community note saying “the geese are dissapearing near hatian communities, and there are x missing cats and dogs”. While voting against notes actually reporting the Mayor, Police etc… having denied the claims and also noting that the missing animals are normal for any region of said size.
Better than partners certified by the International Fact-Checking Network?
I don’t know what the “International Fact-Checking Network” is and I doubt most Facebook users do. The type of person using Facebook is going to likely trust notes written by their peers more than things that come from “on high” (meaning Facebook themselves)
is going to likely trust notes written by their peers
How is that a good thing if a lot of these notes take content out of context or are just plain wrong, echoed by those who trust misinformation?
I suppose I’m just seeing how even Twitter has had success with community notes, and figured it would be the same on Facebook. But it’s easy to forget just how… out there Facebook is these days.
Community Notes are good, but they’re never a complete replacement for paid work. And my second paragraph is based on some notable incidents on X; it’s not just “oh it’s only bad because it’s on Facebook”.
Yeah, and with the added context of other things Meta has done over the past few days, we can plainly see what this is about.
Honestly its probably for the best. When people started investigating the “Fact checkers”, it was discovered that they didn’t know anything about the checks that were attributed to them.
I mean that’s a problem… but it sounds like the problem gets worse.
Realistically fact checking always lies in the problem of how do we know the fact checkers aren’t corrupted. Unfortunately popular vote seems just as dangerous way of trying to back it.