• @[email protected]
      168 days ago

      No, we are infected with lots and lots of xtian nationalist bullshit and an antiquated system that overly represents them. We need a system that allows us to ignore them since they are a minority - and let them bray as much as they like, but utterly powerless to tell anyone else how to live their lives.

  • @[email protected]
    118 days ago

    menstrual surveillance departments

    But why? This is information that can most certainly be gleaned from just about any data broker. Phone users cannot imagine just how much about their life is being meticulously catalogued and aggregated for ad tech networks.

    The Trump team literally just needs to purchase the relevant aggregate data.

    If you think I’m just being hyperbolic, btw there is software that can read your heart rate by the changes in red tonalities of your skin on camera, for example.

    • partial_accumen
      178 days ago

      But why? This is information that can most certainly be gleaned from just about any data broker.

      Obtaining the actual information is only part of the goal. The main reason is to create a perception in society that “you’ll be found out” which goes toward the goal of removing autonomy of women and turn them back into only ‘baby making machines’.

      If you want to see how this plays out, we have an example from history, specifically what Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceaușescu did in 1967 making abortion and contraception outlawed:

      From Wikipedia:

      To counter this sharp decline in the birth rate, the Communist Party decided that the country’s population should be increased from 20 million to 30 million inhabitants. In October 1966,[1][2] Decree 770 was personally sanctioned by Ceaușescu. Abortion and contraception[citation needed] were declared illegal, except for:

      • women over 45 (later lowered to 40, then raised again to 45).
      • women who had already borne four children (later raised to five).
      • women whose life would be threatened by carrying to term, due to medical complications.
      • women who were pregnant through rape and/or incest.


      To enforce the decree, society was strictly controlled. Contraceptives were removed from sale and all women were required to be monitored monthly by a gynecologist.[3]: 6  Any detected pregnancies were followed until birth. The secret police kept a close eye on hospital procedures.

      • @[email protected]
        168 days ago

        women whose life would be threatened by carrying to term, due to medical complications.

        • women who were pregnant through rape and/or incest.

        Holy fuck a Romanian dictatorship had it better than some states in the US

      • @[email protected]
        8 days ago

        all women were required to be monitored monthly by a gynecologist.

        At least we can rest assured on this point. As if a red state would ever make health care that accessible.

        • partial_accumen
          28 days ago

          At least we can rest assured on this point. As if a red state would ever make health care that accessible.

          I dunno about that. This aspect could be the only salient concept to Trumps “concepts of a healthcare plan”. Secret police monitoring women’s reproductive organs to force births sounds right on brand for conservatives that prattle on about “their white race not going to be replaced”.

  • @[email protected]
    218 days ago

    Aren’t these weirdos just ASKING to be sent tons of used hygiene products for their perusal? I’m sure if enough ladies volunteered, that would soon quench their thirst for knowledge about your bodily functions.

    Or…they would totally get off on this. Yeah, it’s probably a fetish.

  • @[email protected]
    728 days ago

    What a fucking psycho. Dude looks like he has a freezer full of chopped-up body parts at his house.

  • @[email protected]
    568 days ago

    Next they will be tracking every time a girl takes a shit or walks outside. These people are sickening.

    • TimeSquirrel
      508 days ago

      It’s a hop, skip, and a jump away from making them cover up head to toe in public and banning them from driving or being seen outside without a man.

      The extremist terrorists were with us in the house the entire time.

      • @[email protected]
        118 days ago

        Well our yeehawdist gravy seals share another thing with other religious extremists.

        Flags, trucks, needing to control women because they cannot otherwise get laid…

      • @[email protected]
        8 days ago

        The DHS reported on the extreme right being the biggest domestic terrorist threat ages ago. The right freaked out, as expected, and it was quickly played down.

        But the DHS was right.

  • @[email protected]
    298 days ago

    This is seriously fucking weird. “how often have you had blood exit your genitals this month, you filthy female” is not a question that anyone should be asking, especially the government. These freaks couldn’t even point out anatomical features on a picture of a reproductive system (male or female, but especially female). Like bitch, of you can correctly label and describe the function of all the parts of a woman’s sexual anatomy, them maybe you could have some input on the conversation, but even then you still shouldn’t be making other people’s decisions. Go fund some bridge repairs you vile little troglodites. JFC.

  • @[email protected]
    278 days ago

    Miller replied, “Well, he’s made it very clear that he’s not gonna go and weigh in and try to push various states in how they want to go and set up their particular rules and restrictions. That’s gonna be up to the states.”

    Just in case it wasn’t clear, they belive that any level of tyranny is fine as long as it’s state government doing it, not the federal government.

    • @[email protected]
      148 days ago

      Only because they are less likely to control the federal government.

      In the past they demanded free states enforce the fugitive slave act, and sent people into free states to kidnap free men into slavery.

  • comador
    958 days ago

    So long as they can also set up a semen surveillance department to prosecute men for leaving their jizz between couch cushions and fleshlights.

  • @[email protected]
    198 days ago

    the old “states’ rights to impose their own laws in other states.” because that worked out so well for them in the 1800s

    • @[email protected]
      8 days ago

      How is it ironic? The party was hijacked by the dixiecrats whose single issue was Jim Crow.

      They’re talibangelists, just with a slightly different prophet.

      Trump is their second coming of Jesus, because he tells them exactly what they want to hear, therefore he must be God.

  • @[email protected]
    228 days ago

    I cannot wait for Walz vs. Vance. Vance seems like what these people are, distilled. It’ll be poetic to watch him get torn apart by a teacher

    • @[email protected]OP
      218 days ago

      There’s a great reason they are keeping him from doing real public events, and have instead opted to do these tightly controlled bits. He can’t even do those and come off as relatable anyway, so the debate is going to be pretty wild.