So they want the US to partner in reopening the pipeline to Europe, but without European agreement?
well, they tried to discuss a ceasefire as well without involving the victim.
I start to see a pattern there
No, thank you.
Yours truly
a German citizen
They can stick the pipe into their arse.
But Trump warned Germany not to built NordStream2…
First the US helps destroy it, and now they want to repair it?
“The US would say, ‘Well, now Russia will be dependable because trustworthy Americans are in the middle of it’,’” said a former senior US official, who was aware of some of the dealmaking efforts.
I wish there were sources for such “said a former senior US official” statements.
In any case, it's nice to be treated like the client states that we've become, isn't it?
What’s going to happen if it breaks again?
Let’s find out
It occurs to me that Trimp should release any info he has on what happenned to the pipeline to clear things up.
It was Ukraine. That has been clear for a while now. There is a Ukrainean guy being prosecuted too that got caught with a speeding ticket after sailing with his yacht right over the pipe when it exploded. I forgot his name.
That seems like BS to my amateur brain. Most analysts concluded that a sailboat of divers would not have been able to handle the depths.
Ukraine was the most motivated for the attack, but Mearshimer seemed certain that the US was involved. We’re not even certain that the Russians didn’t compromise it themselves after the Germans declared that they were not going to use it.