I am sure Pepsi is going to sell some for cheap soon.
I am sure Pepsi is going to sell some for cheap soon.
For those less smart then Trump:
US being unreliable -> EU does not buy US weapons -> US economy weakens -> Americans have less money -> Demand for eggs falls -> egg prices fall
That is not true. Both Germanys did rearm in the Cold War and ended up with massive armies.
That is what loans are for. You own the house and this can work as collatoral.
European is pronounced with a Y sound at the start of the word. Hence no “an”
I am talking the blue part, which is not part of Canada.
It is not inherent transfer of knowledge, as much as it is US politics forcing that transfer. There are already US made weapons integrated into Eurofighter.
the most powerful land force in the world since the 17th century
Franco-Prussian War with France being beaten in a bit over half a year…
Louisiana is French.
Most of the US orders Germany placed had no proper European alternative:
F35 for nuclear sharing with the US. Integrating it into Eurofighter, would have forced the entire blueprints of those to be handed to the US. Hence only 10 are ordered, with more Eurofighters also having been ordered.
Patriot has SMP/T as a European alternative.
Arrow3 has no European alternative at all.
Chinook is a large helicopter, then anything made in Europe. So no clear cut alternative.
Poseidon P8 nothing in Europe comes close in capability. Germany is part of a group working on one though lead by Airbus.
Those are some large orders, but the rest is mostly European, with maybe some US components. Honestly the German procurment is not especially bad with American components.
MBT both Leopard2 and Leclerc are ITAR free. For fighters Rafael is ITAR free and Eurofighter is pretty close, Austria did have problems with GPS components, but there are alternatives available. Turkey is interessted because Eurofigther is close to that. Only Gripen has a lot of problems.
The big one is LNG. The EUs total imports of LNG have fallen, but imports from Russia went up.
Trump is Putins puppet and he tries to bring Ukraine to give Russia land, in exchange for ending the war. So yes Russia wants peace. The problem is that Russia has shown that peace with them so far, just meant a longer ceasefire. Hence peace keeping forces.
But Trump warned Germany not to built NordStream2…
China has a bunch of those sort of ships and is building more…