Percentage saying they’re ‘very proud’ to be Canadian has dropped from 78% to 34% since 1985 December 13, 2024 – The years since the onset of COVID-19 have been a well-documented period of division and discord in this country, with Canadians expressing concerns about the lack of a “middle” option politically, an unwillingness from governments...
Lies, damned lies, and statistics. Opinion polls don’t reflect anything but how a non-representative subset of the population who have enough time on their hands to be interested in filling out polls respond to the specific question on the poll, which is often very carefully worded in an attempt to elicit a particular answer.
Blindly loving your country is an immature stance anyway. It implies you’re willing to overlook its faults rather than fixing them.
If you think that’s a rebuttal to my take, better start rereading.