The Trump administration’s level of malice is off the charts. Fortunately, so is its level of incompetence, which might prevent it from doing even worse damage to America.

    3 days ago

    I’ve been saying this all along, except I’ve been calling it “Virtuosic Incompetence.”

    There’s an old saying that it’s better to have your enemies inside your tent pissing out, than outside your tent pissing in. HitlerPig is far too ignorant to have heard that saying, and he wouldn’t understand if he did.

    By replacing anyone with knowledge and experience, with those whose ONLY qualification is loyalty, he has given his opposition the gift of competence, while removing it entirely from his side. In addition, there are thousands of people still working for the various Federal agencies who are blisteringly angry at what’s being done to them, their workplaces, and their patriotic mission, and they are perfect recruits for leaks and sabotage.

    People have said that it will be impossible to take our country back when they control everything, including the military, but thier leadership are so poorly equipped mentally and experientially, that a small competent militia, with an experienced leader, could easily win through strategic means rather than brute force, which is all the MAGAMorons understand and value.

    Intelligence will eventually win over sheer power, because one side understands both strategies, while the other only understands one, and has only disdain for intelligence.

    They’re Pakleds - stupid, easily manipulated, and easily whupped.