The Michigan Court of Appeals, in an 18-page opinion, declined to interfere with a 1931 law that carries a five-year prison term for simply having brass knuckles, also known as metallic knuckles.
A “ban on the possession of metallic knuckles falls within the historical tradition of prohibiting the concealed carry of metallic knuckles as a dangerous and unusual weapon,” Judge Christopher Murray wrote in a 3-0 opinion Tuesday.
Brass knuckles are usually a single set of rings that fits on someone’s hand. A punch can inflict serious injuries.
If someone attacks you first, and you slip on the brass knuckles before defending yourself, then surely that would be a defensive use?
Yeah this is that kind of rules-lawyering grey area that everybody’s too busy to deal with. It’s the same issue with the assault rifles and large mags… they’re very clearly weapons of war but they look like guns and all* guns can be used for hunting.