Take this with a grain of salt, the more I re-read, the more I realize I’m making assumptions about your setup that may or may not be true. First, I’m making an assumption that you’re doing ACLs for samba shares (and I know that system better on FreeBSD than Linux). I’m also assuming based on your description you want everyone to have access, but not write access.
I think you could do an officewide
group with read-only permissions on all of the shares and then set the unix group to the department.
So, for your HR team you’d do chgrp -R hr /path/to/parent/shares/hr
and setfacl -m d:g:rwx /path/to/parent/shares/hr
and add the officewide
group’s read-only perms: setfacl -m d:g:officewide:rx /path/to/parent/shares/hr
. Rinse and repeat for each share.
Not sure if this is what you’re after, but maybe it’ll help lead in a good direction.
I just had to do this. Don’t skip the release notes. They’re really good at highlighting potential pitfalls, just scroll back through and look for the heading “Breaking Changes.”
In my case there were a few, but they were only for API calls I’m not using, so I just did the update in one go and it worked out great. (Of course, I made sure to take a backup first.)