Nice! Do you like cheese? If so, try to find the fried cheese, it’s called “smažák” or “smažený syr” - it’s deep fried cheese with fries and mayo - sounds simple, but it’s the best unhealthy food you can eat!
Hello, I am a Supermassive black hole (not an euphemism)
Nice! Do you like cheese? If so, try to find the fried cheese, it’s called “smažák” or “smažený syr” - it’s deep fried cheese with fries and mayo - sounds simple, but it’s the best unhealthy food you can eat!
As far as I know you can only get it in Slovakia and Czech Republic (maaaybe Poland, but not so sure about that one) Source: am from Slovakia, but living in Nordic country now. Edit: I should look for more polish shops…thanks for informing me that Kofola does indeed made it outside EU…I’m proud •́ ‿ ,•̀
That’s what makes the world interesting - everyone likes something different :)
It has a very acquired taste: liquorice, anis (main Ouzo ingredient), and some other herbs I’m not sure of. It’s sweet, but just the right amount. I like it, but there’s many people who dislike the taste. If you have the chance, try it :)
Really?! Thats actually really cool that it made it all the way to Canada! I haven’t honestly really looked for it here where I live now, it makes it that more precious to me for when I return for home visit once a year.