The nuance that makes this false is that the water will eventually get bored and seek another job.
The nuance that makes this false is that the water will eventually get bored and seek another job.
(Lego Batman voice) “Alfred, get me some Al-fried eggs this morning. And make sure you make a smiley face with bacon.”
OP: “Right away, sir”
Google and Apple have different versions of maps depending on what your country recognizes.
For example, it will shows territories claimed by China as part of China for Chinese IP addresses, but may show them as independent territories for other countries that recognize them as such.
It’s hard for me not to engage with their opinions. Like “no, that’s not how that works,” “There’s more to it than that,” “there are several things wrong with what you said.” There’s no point trying to argue on the Internet, but some of their comments make me angry. I especially hate when they support something just to “own them libs” like that takes priority over peoples’ well-being.