Inertia, convenience of what you’re used to, and all of your friends are over there and have never heard of ‘the fediverse’.
Inertia, convenience of what you’re used to, and all of your friends are over there and have never heard of ‘the fediverse’.
Fetterman is not a democrat, I don’t care what letter he puts in front of his name. I’d be curious to see what these folks’ reason for voting for this is, because it’s been made abundantly clear over the last 20 years or so that neither party gives a shit about shutting down the government to get what they want.
I dunno who that guy is, but every time I see his face all I can think is…
Iono, I would normally say a deep forest green, but I have recently been growing in appreciation of purple.
Yeah, it’s still set as my default for handling PDFs, so I keep opening them in there and then copying the address over to chrome by hand because I’m too lazy to go find the default app settings.
I live in Texas, all of my representatives are boot-licking pro-Trump Republicans.
Yeah, they’re too busy handwringing, crying about how little power they have, and bitching because their constituents keep expecting them to stand up against bullshit like this.
I haven’t used it in a couple years now, so maybe they’ve gotten better. shrug Also never tried it on my phone, I use duckduckgo’s browser.
That headline should read ‘Capitalist enterprise unsurprisingly open to the idea of making shitloads of money, but we like money too so we wrote an article about something that shouldn’t be news even to small children.’
I mean, if you believe Camus, yes?
The main issue I have with Firefox is that some pdfs have this side-by-side layout (especially rpg pdfs) that Firefox respects and I keep having to turn it off every time I load a new one. Chrome doesn’t respect it and shows it a page at a time like I want. My eyes don’t work too good so side by side the text is just too small.
I used Brave for a while and found I still needed to use ublock to cover some things, especially stuff like Youtube ads.
Windows user who turned that shit on within an hour of installing the OS:
I didn’t realize there were firefox forks, are any of them significantly better than firefox?
Yeah, I switched to Firefox when this whole Manifest V3 thing was announced, I only still have Chrome installed because it’s better for PDFs than Firefox and once in a great while i run into a site that doesn’t work right on Firefox.
Yeah, I heard someone say a week or so ago that they straight disabled it in the browser, and now only the gimped version that works with Manifest V3 works now. Thankfully I switched to Firefox when all this Manifest V3 stuff was announced. As far as I know it’s the only browser out there that isn’t based on Chromium (which Google also controls, so browsers like Brave will likely be affected by this soon as well, unless a bunch of those smaller browsers get together and fork Chromium and maintain it themselves, which I’m not very hopeful about) and so doesn’t have to worry about these shenanigans.
Yeah, but old browser extension has let me block all advertisers (and all of them are equally my most-hated) forever, so reddit is cordially invited to get fucked. And they can construe that as ‘encouraging violence’ all they like.