This is exactly the kind of news I always want to get the CSMfHT’s take on!
This is exactly the kind of news I always want to get the CSMfHT’s take on!
He’d do the same for me
Jokes on them I don’t let my horse do any of my drugs
This is what that sounds like to this laaaaaazy person over here
Love when the meme-anthropologists dive into yore lore for us
Why yes it is
But where else could he find another spouse?
The waxy flame has to be pretty bad for your health
It’s wild that just 25 years ago, this would not likely be the reaction.
Hemlines go up and down
Preference for badonk goes up and down
A manly penis size and high-heel height are also super culturally defined
Left and right, right?
Gay guy here and I had trouble parsing the headline. I was relieved by the top comment. Phew.
Today I’m older than I’ve ever before been
Even a Danish-sized danish would work
Are there still any phrases that Finnish people say that you can clearly understand?
I’m a dweeb and a comrade, friend
On the one hand, love
On the other, I’m an American by way of birth lottery and hate borders. Comrade for me!
Amateurs. What about our poor stepparents’ parents?? Step-granny’s really had a hard winter this year.