A close second would be Tony Rice - Church Street Blues
A close second would be Tony Rice - Church Street Blues
He’s more of a meat popsicle
Played some acoustic guitar and started to wire up one of my bonsai trees (Japanese red maple).
Hoping to get some time in the shop today to work on a CNC enclosure so I don’t get dust everywhere during a carve.
Thanks for this. I’m using mainly Firefox to support alternatives to webkit/blink based browsers but the new ToU makes me a bit apprehensive about the direction they’re going.
I also had been test driving Falkon from KDE but will look into these as well.
I can dig it. For me it’s similar to seeing physical products described as “handcrafted” to denote quality versus something mass produced. A lot of indie devs pour enormous amounts of time and energy into animation, scripts, music, etc. that a derivative gen AI would just spit out in seconds.
This is the route I’ll probably go when it’s time for me to replace my laptop. The 14" Lemur Pro looks perfect for my use case (ultra portable) although the Pangolin looks more powerful.
Been meaning to build a garden shed, so I plan on starting that this weekend
Remember when they removed “don’t be evil” from their code of conduct back in 2018
Finally finished one of the projects for my workshop (rolling cart for a bench top planer). Also, the weather’s been nice so checked out a new park in the neighboring city.
Nice shot. Loved the Olympus micro 4/3 line, really fun cameras and super light.
yeah, I’m actively avoiding products that tout AI. It’s a worse experience and my data gets used to train some model for some company’s enrichment.
Apple Intelligence too. Thankfully you can still disable it
Yep, did the same. Started using Tuta for email, solid privacy and UI, app available on F-Droid, and the bonus for me was them being powered by renewables.
The language in the tweet was telling, i.e party of the “little guys” and tagging the president for visibility. You can’t turn a blind eye to all the other destabilizing things this admin is doing just because they made 1 semi-competent cabinet pick (which should be the baseline expectation).
After digging around, I’m going to try Tuta for email/calendar and Mullvad for VPN. Tuta’s €3 plan lets you have 15 additional addresses and 3 custom domains.
Anyone using a good proton drive alternative?
You can still cancel your subscription so that it won’t auto-renew in 2 years and it let’s you leave a comment when doing so if you want to voice any concerns.
Filing for bankruptcy in Delaware where they were incorporated
I was hoping their truck or lifestyle vehicle would make it to market, but yeah they had a steep hill to climb with all the turmoil surrounding the company, scaling production, and the change in political winds now being essentially hostile to EV manufacturers.
In August, Canoo moved its headquarters from Torrance, Calif., to Justin, Texas — asking 137 of the office’s 194 employees to relocate, while cutting the remaining staff.
Moving wasn’t going to save the company so why uproot your employees only to fold 5 months later
I appreciate my 12 yr old car for this reason. Also, physical buttons I can hit without taking my eyes off the road
RIP. I appreciated his artistic integrity and willingness to take risks.
Side note, David Foster Wallace’s essay on Lynch filming Lost Highway is great. As is his interview with Charlie Rose where he talks about writing that essay and the impact of Blue Velvet(starts at 4:50 but the whole thing is worth watching). Here’s Lynch’s interview with Rose that he referenced.
Amazing shot. Big fan of these layered landscape photos, feels like a painting