Oh, anyone reads these? Thats all the motivation I needed to keep the neverending flames going!
Na szmerze od samego początku. Trochę się wymądrzam i czepiam publikacji, ale to z parszywej natury i dobrych intencji. Jeśli masz jakieś pytania to śmiało pytaj - zawsze służę pomocą.
Oh, anyone reads these? Thats all the motivation I needed to keep the neverending flames going!
Dunno about locking, but please don’t use Riseup for torrents, unless you support them heavilly. Its an activist resource.
You acting out your Polonofobia again?
Rather thin on details or encouragement of institutions (say euro ones) to contact on details for a real whistleblower…
Brool story co.
Fun fact IIRC; the term was coined by anarchists in France after the word “anarchist” got banned in press.
It’s different outlets as well, you see. PBS doesn’t have a material about the most recent attack, but pretty much every recent material they have is negative for Israel, two straight out discussing genocide. Which the Russians also attempt to commit against Ukrainians denying them their right for self–determination, my dear Russian friend.
As far as I agree generally its a term also used in Poland. It regained popularity due to the far right using it to stigmatize anything loosely associated with left wing values, but it was actually coined… by the communist regime apparatchiks to mark out dissenters. There’s a pretty interesting Polish book on the term itself. BTW Polish radio is a state owned media.