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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: December 20th, 2024

  • I don’t think you should be downvoted for your genuine ignorance to the situation. But now that you have been educated to the reality you should really work harder to educate yourself as to the mechanisms of propaganda that have embedded themselves in the institutions we have been conditioned to believe are the representatives of journalistic integrity which supposedly stand to speak truth to power as we enter into an obvious age of technocratic fascism masquerading as (neo)liberal democracy. A sham form of democracy has never been democratic since liberal democracy fights tooth and nail against economic democracy making it a de-facto class dictatorship nothing more, nothing less.

  • Fascism lite is still fascism, fighting to support a controlled opposition group is fighting against your own self interests. Ballot box socialism/ ballot box activism is a fools errand. We are behind a point where the system will be repaired through the mechanisms of the system itself. The democratic party actively sabotages democracy to ensure class dictatorship continues at all costs.

    I am one of those less stable than yourself. I have no job, i live in an old drafty rv and struggle to care for the pets i love and my partner and i. I think those who are too comfortable or comfortable enough think allowing things to continue and fighting to preserve the lesser of two evils is the best option but allowing things to continue when things are already awful we already have a fascist totalitarian police state where wage slavery is the norm where millennials like myself and the younger generations wont have the luxury of owning homes or having a retirement or even social safety nets like social security st this point. I might end up having to survive off canned food and moldy bread from food banks if trump cuts food stamps more than theyve already been cut considering inflation and rising food costs/ corporate price gouging.

    Any shade of fascism is unacceptable. Voting for a slightly less awful form of fascism and blaming people who didn’t vote or voted for jill stein / delacruz is like shooting yourself in the foot because it wouldn’t let you walk off a cliff on purpose.

    We are in an age where a majority of what we see is manipulated propaganda that works to silence anyone with my opinion. Look at the reaction to the extrajudicial execution of Brian Thompson / support for luigi mangione. Every social media outlet silenced users who want to see revolution. We get chastised by the “ViOlEnCe iS nEvEr ThE aNsWeR” by the same society that brought you kent state and countless other extrajudicial police state murders. If non violence were so successful then those in power wouldn’t have a need for wars or militarized police or the death penalty. These are scared hypocrites who will and can do anythinf possible to maintain their power and present the illusion that what we are seeing and interpreting is a fair and level representation of reality and not a heavily manipulated propaganda filled control mechanism.

    Everyone always says its better to have that still point within the ratcheting mechanism to build resistance but its impossible And naive to believe this because the democratic party and the state/ class dictatorship actively subverts and sabotages any movement left and manufacturing the consent of the populace to accept their system and play by their rigged rules.

  • They can be to an extent. My girl raisin does better she is spayed but her husbun/son felix is intersex and still has his cashews so he still sprays(mostly our cat) and leaves territorial droppings around. But bunny droppngs arent gross like cat/dog / human feces. They are just compressed balls of digested hay and veggies and are mostly dry. A little moist when fresh but after a day they are dried out. If i had felix fixed he would likely not spray our cat and leave droppings in places other than the box. But they do tend to leave droppings where they sleep/nap even if they are fixed so you’ll have a nice pile of 100 or so cocoa puffs to pick up when they are done napping. I just am afraid to have felix fixed since he might need invasive surgery if he has any internal female sex organs and he has such an interesting personality i dont want him to loose his spunky attitude after surgery or even worse, its not uncommon for rabbits to have adverse reactions to anesthetics and not make it through surgery. But spaying female rabbits is different since they have a very high 90%+ chance of reproductive organ cancer in old age.

    So its a bit more complex than training a cat to use a litterbox. Its probably a little more difficult than even training a cat to use a human toilet with one of those toilet insert training liter boxes you can get.

  • With bnnnuy comes lots of cocoa puffs. Sometimes youll find them in your jacket or pants pocket, they chew your charging cords (spicy hay) and dig ar your clothes and shirts while you nap. But its all worth it. Youll find hay and bnnuy poops all over the place and just smile because they are too damn cute!

  • I think many people here are missing the real point underneath all of this. All the Americans who are still so delusional they believe democracy in the usa is functioning are the ones blaming voters who’s conscious wont allow them to vote for an obvious controlled opposition party. Here is the reality. Neo liberal democracy is a farce and always has been. You can not have true democracy without economic democracy. What you actually have in that case is class dictatorship.

    We have a ratcheting political system. The right moves in and takes power and leverages everything as far right as they can get away with as quickly as possible, meanwhile the center right which masquerades as a “left party” with their milquetoast virtue signaling of waving pride flags and blm signaling while still supporting the main factor that allows racist ideology to flourish within policing agencies, global drug prohibition and the militarized police and surveillance state that has risen from it, while in power they make every excuse not to move the dial to the left and thus the pawl of the ratchet locks and only allows rightward movement.

    The 14 traits of fascism are present in both parties. Albeit more prominently so in the maga right but its still there in the center right democrat party. Both sides are owned by the same exact wall street military and prison industry profiteers this is an undisputable fact. The only one of the 14 traits they can claim plausible deniability in regards to is fraudulent elections however there is more than enough evidence to say that the us presidential election is rigged and has been since reagan and maybe even since kenedy considering the deal that was made with the mafia to get JFK in the white house.

    Now we have elon musk buying trumps election in broad daylight and star link satellite systems were connected to tabulation machines in multiple precincts but lets ignore the cybersecurity experts who have claimed that there is legitimate evidence the 2024 election was stolen. The only half truth trump may ever have told is that the 2020 election was stolen but he didn’t complain when it was rigged in his favor in 2016 because he doesn’t give a fuck about election integrity so long as he benefits from it.

    It is obvious to anyone paying attention that nothing in the US will change without a revolution. The democrats fight leftward movement at every opportunity. They disenfranchised sanders voters in 2 primaries and forced tired status quo bullshit onto us and blamed us for the dnc leaks sinking Clinton and then called it Russian propaganda. This all goes back to the thirties and the wall street putsch business plot and then nixon, then Reagan killing the fairness in reporting doctrine and bush also ensuring that was not codified into law. Now we have right wing fascist apologia rags masquerading as true unbiased journalism. 90% of the media we consume all owned by 6 major corporations all circularly owned by blackrock, vangaurd state street and blackstone. Democracy in the usa is dead. If you think it’s still functioning you are naive.

  • Billionaires are mostly all idiots who never had to actually educate themselves. Out of the 760 of them in the USA 12-15 of them are probably in the 130+ iq range and the rest are barely above or below the 100 median range. Even with their expensive private education most of them likely paid others to do their school work like george bush was rumored to have at yale. Then with nixon and reagan severely cutting education standards at the direction of their mutual consultant roger freeman saying that we were en route for a highly educated proletariat which was a threat to them and would result in mass unemployment (since people who are intelligent enough can easily understand capitalism is exploitative and many of the wages offered are not worth the effort input) now we are in a full fledged fascist hellscape. They are so emboldened they dont even attempt to hide it anymore.

  • People thinking that cutting out holocaust remembrance shows antisemitism but are not seeing the bigger picture here. Especially with the ADL defending musk’s blatant fascist salute this is in line with the agenda of zionism. (Which is in and of itself antisemitic towards Palestinians/ arabs in the levant who are all semitic peoples) Considering that zionists campaign to use the holocaust as a carte blanche for them to commit ethnic cleansing and genocide against arabs has failed and instead become their most contested and valid criticism of zionism in that zionists are perpetuating the same atrocities against another ethnic/cultural/religious group it will benefit the zionists greatly to remove holocaust remembrance from the conversation so that future generations will lack the education and understanding of the past and lack the ability to analyze and criticize the actions of the zionist regime. Whos greatest ally has ow effectively transitioned from skin deep fascist apologia with plausibly deniable motives to a straight up blatant fascist / corporatist regime actively covering up and suppressing the criminality of their zionist enabling motives

  • We wouldn’t be in this position if more people had enough common sense to see zero sum game for what it is and opt out of working. This would 100% be met with violence from the ruling class if enough people started quitting their jobs and refusing to participate. which would show the true color of our society and dissolve the facade of liberal democracy once and for all and show it for the class dictatorship it truly is. Any democracy that fights against economic democracy at all fronts is inherently and obviously anti democratic.

    People may think i am lazy but that’s far from it. Ive always outworked my peers but been punished for my aptitude with an ever increasing job description and no increase in pay. Im auto didactic have taught myself automotive diagnostics and maintenance as well as music theory and basic construction and carpentry. I recently even considered getting a job as an automotive tech but hiring wages are a joke. Mcdonalds and fast food near me start at $16-17 an hour and youre lucky to find a job at a garage for $19-20 so for $4000-8000 more a year i can blow my back out, bust my knuckles and have toxic automotive fluids and solvents absorb into my dermal layer. meanwhile the shops charge on average $200 an hour for labor and sometimes even More (masarati/mini near me charge $295/hr even kia/hyundai are at $235 and the highest payed guys are making $45-60/hr flat rate and billing 2 hours for every one hour they work so they are making $90-120 an hour while the shop makes $470 its ridiculous. Multiply thst by however many garahe bays they average pccupied throughout the day and domenof these places are bringing in $2000 gross an hour ebery hour from 8 am till 3:30 People don’t understand this is the corporate model, they aim for 500-1000% profit margins. While working class people say “fast food and other service industry workers dont deserve a living wage because i make what they want now and that would mean i would be payed less” instead of realizing those engorging themselves on passive income off of our backs are under paying us. Not to mention complaining that other working people who are deemed inferior dont deserve a living / thriving wage is nothing more than class traitor bullshit that is promoted in our society to distract from the true enemies of humanity. The wall street billionaire military and prison industry profiteers who view us all as disposable cattle to be ridden as hard as possible till we die in poverty so they can have another yacht every year.

    And yes it does suck being broke, i miss out on new tool sales all the time, my phone has a cracked back glass panel, my wife and my pets live in a drafty 36 year old rv spending $30 on propane for heat every week till the end of winter so that we and our pets don’t get sick but its better than the awful treatment I’ve endured at the 20 or so jobs I’ve had since i was 14 years old and got my working permit. While all the rich kids at the private school my grandmother sent me to in order to brain wash me into being a dumb right wing boot licker looked down on me for having a weekend job and taking the city bus. Im just upset i cant buy a few things at the harbor freight 30% off items $10 and under this weekend and the ryobi high torque impact wrench and battery currently $90 off. I could care less about fancy clothes or luxury items, i just like tools so i can fix things and keep my mind busy. It beats the hell out of staring at a clock for 4-5 hours out of an 8-9 hour shift because i finish tasks quickly and then have to avoid superiors who would make me do busy work to justify a trash garbage wage they feel i should be grateful for. Or deliberately slowing myself down on monotonous tasks so i can appear busy for longer periods of time. Fuck. That. Noise.

    Meanwhile these billionaires are blatantly praising hitler and gesturing blatsnt fascist salutes while telling us the sky is green and espousing anti intellectualism/ anti working class fascist ideals with no fear of public retribution. Fascists have gotten far too comfortable. It seems like the wall street putsch/ business plot was just delayed but successful none the less. especially since one of the coup’s main architect’s son and grandson were both sitting presidents and our government is now blatantly controlled by an intersection of wall street economic and military industries who control a vast majority of the propaganda outlets masquerading as journalistic outlets. While right leaning centrists who think they are on the left just keep telling us to have faith that voting will fix things when that hasn’t worked for 50+ years and what this country needs is a full fledged leftist working class revolution and not one tenth of a millimeter less.

  • You see the shit kanye west wrote today?

    Billionaires and their boot licking lap dogs are all beyond sick, its time we sharpen the guillotines, they live like royalty on our backs. Ive been on a strike for the last 5 years living in abject poverty because i will not work for wages not even providing me an existence worth living for. I would rather be broke and free than live as a slave deluded to believe in an illusory freedom while our lives are controlled by those who spend more money on weekend vacations than you or I could earn in a dozen consecutive lifetimes. All while dozens of homes per every unhoused person sit empty to artificially increase the value of property to the point where even renting a shitty 1 bedroom apartment is unaffordable and 1/3 of all food produced is thrown away because it cant be sold fast enough to make someone else more fucking money. I would rather die free and destitute then wake up and be psychologically whipped into obedience to make someone else passive income while i despise every second of my existence and wake up feeling psychological dread after the brief 1 or 2 day respite of the weekend or the 8-16 hours of sleep food and household chores between shifts. Thats not living its slavery with extra steps all these sick deluded fascist fucks and this system theyve built by destroying the social progress made in the 40’a 50’s and 60’s and worked tirelessly to eradicate to install a technocratic feudalist surveillance and police state it all needs to be violently dismantled and burned to the ground. Ballot box idealist bullshit doesnt work, they own the ballot boxes and the ballots, they own the news outlets they own the printing presses putting out educational material and have abysmally lowered the standards of what constitutes education today. There is only one side of the political spectrum in America. The democratic parry is right wing and blatantly enables the far right super fascist gop. But weve been so dumbed down that we believe the democrats are left, they arent, we live in a class dictatorship. There is no true democracy without economic democracy. I am MaGGA- MAke Guillotines Great Again.