They’re mad because GNU’s Not Unix and such.
Some games actually have this feature.
Is there a medical lab nearby? People might go there to do the thing with their cup and mistake that for the dropbox. (Otherwise “leave” is odd phrasing…)
Also, OP, this is lemmy_shit_post.
Pebble 2 was released in “HR” and “SE” models. You’re thinking of the Pebble Time Steel 2.
Having your stuff accessible and synced, including read/unread status, across devices is a real benefit.
To OP and the few other comments sarcastically dunking on the blogger for just discovering RSS: why? It’s not exactly drowning in advocates today, and there’s basically a whole generation that wasn’t around when Google killed off Reader. What if we treated advocacy like this like the good thing it is?
All is forgiven, but next time go with “Kenny G.”
You just gonna compliment the guy like that?
Distro is not in the regular expression. This incident will be reported.