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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I have played something like 50 hours of deadlock a few months ago and IMO it has strong MoBa elements. I actually think it’s more Dota but in TPS rather than a TPS trying to Dota.

    The same aspects of Dota are strategically important in Deadlock IMO. You need to farm, you need to support, map control is very much relevant… I think it’s very close to Dota in what it requires from a player in terms of skills.

    I would even say that you probably can be a very good deadlock player without good aim because the strategy is absolutely crucial. Also I have both seen experienced dota players and people with 0% experience in that genre discovering Deadlock and it makes a big difference in the learning curve. Dota players will be confused by the TPS aspect but are very fast in getting good in itemization, strategy, teamplay… They know what to do but are just not sure how to do it in a weird TPS form.

  • Oh I’m sure Adobe has the greatest of intentions on this. Such a reputable company that has a stellar past.

    I’m sure they won’t gatekeep this digital human signature in some atrocious proprietary standard along with an expensive subscription to have the honor of using it.

    Don’t listen to Adobe on AI or even better don’t accept any “idea” or solution from Adobe.

  • What I find surprising in the debate about AI and hallucinations is that everyone points the fact that’s it’s very dangerous and it will spread misinformation… But the problem is the inability or unwillingness to fact check our information.

    Nobody wants to fact check something they saw on meta or tik tok. Nobody will. There is no difference between someone trusting some random influencer and someone trusting an AI. They are both set to fail the same way. Both lack critical thinking.

    Instead of being afraid of AI and hallucinations we should be investing massively in teaching the newer generations on fact checking and critical thinking.

    IA is a great assistant but only if you can fact check it. If you can’t or won’t then it’s a terrible assistant that will set you up to fail.

    To be clear, I also struggle to fact check stuff and I definitely was misinformed many times in the past. Nobody is really immune to that problem. IMO IA doesn’t change much about that problem.