There seems to be about 15 to 20% of humans in every country that are irredeemable.
There seems to be about 15 to 20% of humans in every country that are irredeemable.
If they believe it is dangerous to travel there as a person like this what about this same population of people who are stuck living there?! When are they going to allow LBGTQ+ people refugee status from the us?
I feel that it has never been easy to leave the US and just find a country that will work with you to get a sponsorship. I know they may view us unfavorably now but we were looking at Germany originally because of the Chancenkarte visa. We looked at Spain but would have to forego working for a few years before we would be eligible for citizenship. We decided to go back to my Wife’s country of origin so we have fewer issues.
Congrats on your 666 comment! Sorry you ending up using it on my comment but I appreciate it all the same!
I have a feeling this entire platform is littered with them. It’s just like reddit.
The Philippines might want a word with you. Tell them they’ve done nothing aggressive on the world stage your entire life. Were you born yesterday? Even if you were it wouldn’t change the fact that even yesterday they were making aggressive moves toward them in their own territorial waters.
There should not be closer ties with china around the globe it’s trading evil for evil. The fact is that china is going to use this opportunity to take over the pacific and their neighbors that they claim are theirs by right of history. If you despise the usa and russia don’t move toward china who are no better. Better yet stop sending china and the usa anything. Cut trade with them completely. Make it harder for them to produce weapons of war to help slow their build up.
I mean the plan was always to annihilate people of color like my wife and I. This country has treated our people like shit for centuries and the rest of the world wants us to stay and fight to fix our country. I say fuck that. That’s like saying the German Jews should have stayed to fix Germany and should have started committing acts of violence to fix their country. That was never going to work last century what the fuck makes anyone think it would this century. No the fact is racist whites enabled and did this, we aren’t at fault and we are not responsible to fix it for them. We are going to be part of the brain drain of this country. Leave the whites to sort out their own fucking mess for once.
Thanks to the weakness of our system and certain pathetic losers holding their values and personal ethics over the national security interests of the United States nothing was ever done about trump’s sedition. I will never forgive our previous president for not doing exactly what needed to be done to deal with the DOMESTIC THREAT to the constitution that he was sworn to protect by not eliminating the republican party/scotus/and a certain billionaire. Had our previous president made the ‘tough call’ that presidents are required to make to protect the nation and the constitution then we simply wouldn’t be in this position. I will never believe that our previous president wasn’t briefed on the threat posed by all of this and wasn’t fully aware of everything. There will never be any excusing him allowing things to happen this way. The man was in his 80s even had he been in any legal trouble over this his life is functionally over at this point fuck him for doing nothing when he was the only one who could achieve this on his own.
Weed and alcohol. I don’t want to go on that ride again.
You’re right damn this is just hitting me. This chain of events has enabled china to take over much of the Pacific islands and other nations they ‘claim’ are theirs by historical right. The russians will come for the European continent and the usa will make majorly predatory moves on the American continents. Fuck, the entire world has been made unsafe.
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Do what you have to do it’s all good. I’m going to be part of the brain drain in this country. My wife and I are POC we are guaranteed first class tickets to death camps or be made slaves for existing. Our populations have been marginalized and kicked in the ribs for centuries. We have no reason to fight or to ‘stay and fix the country’ any more than the German Jews of last century did. I don’t want to be made responsible for what racist whites have enabled to happen in this country.
I enjoy seeing the seditionist red states being hit by this. I have no empathy for these people other than blue voters in these states.
Agreed with # of homes owned as well as square footage/meters. A mansion should be hit hard by taxes.
The world needs to tariff ALL elon companies and move away from American products/offerings in general. We need something to replace AWS in the worst way. The world needs to remember the corporations foreign and domestic that helped faciliate this and freeze them out because if they do it here in the US they WILL do it in your countries too. Toyota helped fund 1/6 for example. I will never buy a toyota because of it and elons companies will never get any patronage from me either.
Especially those of us who are POC/LGBTQ+ we aren’t the fucking problem any more than the German Jews who voted in their elections when hitler was elected. These people apparently would have blamed German Jews for ‘doing nothing’ and then fleeing their country instead of ‘staying to fix it’ and they don’t seem to understand what they’re saying. I do honestly believe there is a concerted russian/foreign effort to fan the flames of division between left leaning Americans and the rest of the world. Our populations overwhelmingly voted against trump we don’t have the fucking numbers but yep we’re all at fault and apparently we should go around committing mass shootings until we get what we want even if we end up killing other democratic party supporters as long as we get one magat…
Many idiots who are understandably mad/frustrated as well as foreign trolls/bots are trying to get Americans to become indiscriminate mass shooters regardless of who they end up taking down with them. The normal people telling us to get violent don’t understand what it really takes to get an organized militant anti-government group off the ground. Any ‘violence’ that happens in this country by our side cannot be indiscriminate it must be targeted and reduce collateral damage to other people who support us.
Being part of three of them myself in MN is how I would know they’re happening. Are you just believing the lies that not a single one of us is doing anything whatsoever?
People don’t take kindly to those who declined to answer the question of who should be president here in the us.