I have had no complaints about it, but with that said, I absolutely would not use it for any vital backup your recovery tools.
It was fantastic however, to use to load up with handfuls of different live distro ISOs to play around with.
I have had no complaints about it, but with that said, I absolutely would not use it for any vital backup your recovery tools.
It was fantastic however, to use to load up with handfuls of different live distro ISOs to play around with.
Same. When I first saw it there were a few comments about how much Chuck himself would dislike today’s Zachary Levi.
Yeah, that came out shortly before the election. He apparently felt it necessary to declare that he voted for Trump. It especially sucks because he actually seemed to be, you know, not stupid.
Make it February 22 and call it F022 Appreciation.
Extra Upvote ⬆️
I just had to look it up. Live action??? Ewww…
Am I dumb or is there not a way to share a link directly from F-Droid?
I try the share button, but it tries to share the .apk file.
This is what I use and I almost forgot that I’m even using it until I saw this post.
Edit: It’s on F-Droid but I don’t know how to share the link directly to it on there.
This is a perfect use for LLMs, although also a perfect storm for current LLM hallucinations causing a loss of continuity without some extreme fine tuning.
With that said though, I definitely want to try it out a couple times to see how it varies and love the idea behind it.
I literally just did the same
This isn’t the first chunk of data pulled from CDC’s website that I’ve seen. I’m curious, does anyone know of any archives elsewhere some of us can help backup offsite?
Man… I initially read that as
can’t be fucked with capitalism
and I was thoroughly confused.
My issues were more graphical, plus my printer is a network printer. Thanks, though. I’ll take another crack at it.
So you just used the AppImage. I seem to recall having issues with it, but that’s been awhile. I’ll have to give it another try. Are you using Wayland?
How do you have Cura installed?
I loved the Hitman games when I was younger, but somewhere around Hitman Absolution, I just lost interest because of this. They renamed this, resold that, combined this with that.
Last time I downloaded something, it was to try it in VR when it said there was a VR patch. I couldn’t do anything. I found out later, it’s only for PSVR 1 and only on PS4 with the camera and a dual shock 4 controller that has the light bar for tracking. Literally nothing explained that anywhere.
It’s an absolute mess and a shame.
And if we’re already here?
I’m really trying to think of a joke but it’s just so stupid and infuriating.
Yep, I remember when they stopped calling them candy cigarettes and just changed them to the candy sticks. They also had candy cigars, but I don’t remember trying those myself.
Just use it to sign up for as many shit spam newsletters as possible. Maybe considering disabling that adblocker (or maybe spin up a vm) and enter it into all the ad popups you can find.
Next department/website for DOGE to takeover?