To the US public made a clear demonstration that they don’t give a duck about international relations. It will take a century to rebuild trust.
To the US public made a clear demonstration that they don’t give a duck about international relations. It will take a century to rebuild trust.
Next time I’m shopping for strategic weapons I’ll steer clear of USA made.
I know it a typo, but declaring it, would be the last step of making material law the ultimate authority. Taking Capitalist Fromm late stage to endgame.
As québécois I request that " qu’il mange de la marde le roi! " be considered as an appropriate stance to prove Canadian citizenship. You know just to celebrate the rich Canadian tapestry of cultures.
There is a reason, is just like this old Western movies. The wealth banq/ranch owner that rules the town, is diverting the local stream to dry up the pretty widow a farm. Saying you know you would be much better off marrying me. I would cherish you and add you worthless farm to my ranch. Only he knows the train line is about to be installed and would turn that little plot of land into very valuable real estate. Ducking the widow in the as every night is just bonus.
wow, I missed that one.
Two things I keep in mind from Harper, gutting employment insurance, trying to raise retirement age to 67 oh and the sax serenade to Netanyahu. Make it three
Maybe everybody should go in the washroom together like that little town that had a bully problem.
If anything building factory in the usa is what will be their downfall. Why defend Taiwan if they can make the chips in the USA?
He basically was ‘‘not Bush’’ and promoting the exact opposite of what Trump is doing now. I always wished he would have graciously rejected it, to preserve the prize’s value.
Blasphemous, I dont know (or care). Engagement bait. meh-be? I got the image in mind thinking it was funny, and would get interactions out of it, else what the point of posting. but I am not selling or promoting anything. Slop? sure, It would have been much better If I had the time to book a trip to manathan with a bunch of friend with matching track suits and take an actual picture but that would be high effort. My head being in the right place - That nice of you thx.
peux-tu faire une photo typiquement americaine. où les personnage sont habillé de track suit adidas, au moin un accroupi à la russe - This gave me a first one that felt too much like GTA So I added : c’est excellent, le même style avec la trump tower de manahatan en arriere plan -
would you say it’s shitty?
I’ll take the compliment, thank you, but really, the expensive ink does most of the work. But i get the feeling that my level of artistic licence might have put the deeper subtlety of the joke out of the reach of most.
Glad you mentioned it, last thing i want is to accidently start a wave of people melting their faces, thinking it really is a new hot trend.
I undestand AI is very low value on the creative form, and that it might hurt the feeling of the fancier crowd. To appologize for my lack of effort here’s the Handmade version, using my finest ink.
That’s cartoon rapist vilain tactic. Yes miss Tinkle, I dammed the creek that was watering your garden, if you just marry me I’ll remove it and you will be cherished.