There is a meme/Gif for everything. And me and Bob even watched this one. Bob says she was the real hero.
There is a meme/Gif for everything. And me and Bob even watched this one. Bob says she was the real hero.
Hello Mrsbatsinherbelfry, from Bob
Hahaha, I see what you did there.
Whether PP loses his seat or not it looks like the CPC will likely lose this election, some predictions are a crushing loss. I can only imagine the party convention to replace PP that will happen after that loss. In my opinion the ultra cons will dig in even deeper and elect someone more extreme but who hides it better. It’s inevitable that the CPC (or some form thereof) will eventually get elected.
So the cat is tiger stripe and the dog is a tuxedo
Be honest, did you read it?
Because it states that all of the experiments were done “in vitro” (in glass) rather than “in vivo” (in living humans) And the tissue used to simulate the experiments came from a wide range of non human sources. I’m not saying that the study or your beliefs are wrong but the only way to prove that what you are saying is true is a double blind study of living humans. You must also always ask the question of “who is funding this” And this study claims to have been funded by German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) On the website of the GRF it states that they don’t fund International research.
From the website
“In contrast to some foreign funding organisations, the DFG does not provide special funding for international cooperation projects. This means that proposals for funding of international project collaborations compete with all other proposals under the respective DFG procedure.”
Yeah that sounds about right.
Where they practice yoga, meditation and raw vegan cooking. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
Post a link to your GoFundMe I’ll kick in a few bucks.
I think it has to do with the very high number of “van life” vloggers who overwhelmingly seem to be white American couples. Google van life vloggers and take a look at the image results.
Best comment I have read in quite a long time.
Yeah, he does give off small dick energy