If your decision is between voting for someone that associates with the worst, most ineffective, and cruel politicians in our modern era, or someone else, you vote for someone else.
Evil people lie, and most of them have the money to get social media influences to lie with them, so you won’t know their angle until it’s too late to stop them. Like project 2025.
Also, no offense, but why would you even possibly entertain voting for someone who is clearly backed by a lunatic that wants to literally invade and annex your country?
Not believing this is a viable threat to your sovereignty is the most dangerously naive you could be.
One of your choices will unquestionably make it easier for Canada to become a US state. Don’t pick that candidate unless you’re prepared for that result.
I agree with others below that the GOP is at the limit of what they can get their followers to believe in once they can’t eat. Most are already suffering, and expect a quick turn around. Instead, we’re about to get Great Depression 2: Trumps BS Boogaloo. The violence that follows will overwhelmingly be directed at those that control every branch of the government with an iron grip and failed to make anything better despite it. Historically, this has always been the course of events.