Red Army Dog Cooper

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: August 21st, 2022


  • I mean I never used the term “Genocide Joe” it seemed a little silly, but I was and am a person who said that in good contious I could not suport Biden, or Harris who said the only difrence we would see is a republican in her cabinet. No where in here am I saying this is anything less than the same level of genocide… nor am I saying that this is not more blatent, but the reality is that it is not significantly worse than the previous, that was just constantly being bombed, and that was being enabled by Biden

    Maybe just maybe they stopped complaining because there reason to complain is no longer there, and they are complaining with you that Trump is aiding in a genocide.

  • Still here, not going to appologize, I stand by my statement, both of them are facist, and the only two difrences between them where trajectory into utter decay, and retoric. Both of them make libs sanctamonious and tell me that I cannot call a spade a spade because the spade is actualy a hoe (it is very much a spade).

    I never said they where congurent, or exactly the same, I said they where in the long run equivelent, and I stand by that statment. I said that Harris did nothing to earn my vote, and I stand by that, I said that running on “I am slightly less bad than the other guy and because there are only 2 parties that means you have to chose me” is not a sound or acceptable electoral stratagy, and I once agian stand by that. I said that her winding down her “they are wierd” and “Its neighborly not to hord wealth and be a rich ghool” tactics, that where working, and where austensably the reasons she chose Walz as her running mate because her brother in law, an Uber Exec did not like it was moronic and I stand by it.

    Why have I decided not to keep posting about this, because your lot has stopped screaming that I have to cast a vote to someone that if I did I would not be able to sleep at night because I made an afermitive choice to suport them, because i see no significant disagreement between your view that “trump is a facist and the US is NOW facist” and mine “Wow trump as expected really plunged at a steep slope, he took some of the plausable denyability out before I was expecting, but it does not change that the Previously Facist US that is still Facist is moving down the Facism railway” so there is no god damn reason for me to post about it all the time

    And before you ask, yes I know there are lives at stake and live are being torn apart, I am aware and not unsympethetic, no I do not think that it would have accelerated this fast with Harris, no I am not an accelerationis, no I did not “want” trump, yes if only 2 options exist harris would have been the slightly better one, but agian that is like saying eat dog shit, or eat dog shit coated in chocolate, I am not going to willingly chose either of those options.

    So no, I am not sorry, no I am not gone, and no I am not “quiet” I just see no significant disagreement on the basis that I feel the need to write a comment, let alone now that election season is over you see a whole lot less trying to tell me that one would be the greatest thing ever.

  • I mean how about this, you CAN use those sources, however I will not treat them as a sacred cow and given there track record when dealing with places the US does not like it will take me almost no time to debunk the claim, or point out how the source is not credible on this topic, then you will wace your hands and scream about some liberal media reliability rateing that cannot even get left right and center correct, even in the US overton window, an then I will have to debunk the new media reliability AND remind you of the previous debunk.

    OR we can skip some of the easier ones to debunk and try to have an easier time in trying to understand reality, rather than just screaming and letting rich ghools make it up for us. The choice is yours