This is a good explain. The evil man does figures into it. The apathy is there and the republicans are the desert and no one wants nothing.
Pissing off teamsters stands out. But Liz Cheney was one of the few calling trump out. Got no issue with that. Regardless nothing you said is a valid reason to sit out this election.
Given how more registered voters sat out the election than voted for trump… Your Liz Cheney bs isn’t worth it.
…and the polling didn’t match your mood. That doesn’t mean it’s ok but doesn’t make you correct either.
You’re not fighting for a utopia? Well then…
WhY dO yOu SuPpOrT gEnOcIdE???
Then trump happens and here we are…
Yea I know, the first thing I think of when I hear a democrat say something good is “why do democrats suck so much?”
I’m old enough to remember more than that. I may even be younger than you. Try harder dumbass.
That’s how we know you don’t understand the meaning of words. Thank you for advertising it to the world so we know when to not listen.
10 out of 10
Actually a good one.
But seriously… How much can I imagine inflation means? How much can i inflate things with my mind? Ten dollars? 2 dozen? How much does Covid create while I jerk off?
Is it weird that I have no sense of the cost of eggs and my grocery store isn’t empty and no one is freaking out and doing the math per egg?
Is half of the country losing its mind for any good reason? No one remembers Covid while reelecting trump? As RFK jr gets nominated while stating this shit? Are brains getting scrambled? Is the US using pounds? Does no one recognize avian flu while talking about it?
“When I first started drinking warm water for my prostate…”
Fuck YouTube so much…
Either way… His short stories are the bees knees…
Would love to hear anyone share WHY his performance in gladiator 2 would deserve a nomination?
He’s a well deserved actor acting like they can take on a 30 year old in combat while bringing down all of Rome? Regardless, let’s be clear Denzel does nothing to make this shit real. The role isn’t worth academy rewards in the first place any hemming and hawing is wasted breath.
Hands on hips and demanding answers cause she’s the only reason anything happens.
Neat photo op for a trump hatchet woman. Leaves a bad taste in my mouth…
It’s fun to pretend it’s a prequel for the “Assault on precinct 13” remake. My head canon is Ethan Hawk blew town after the events of training day, got hooked on drugs and is trying to lay low when P13 happens.
Yea use that broad brush to paint yourself into a corner!
No one needs to advertise the nytimes or top media… you could do better to push a hot take opinion or top media…
The issue is important.
It’s a willing disbelief to justify apathy? I can’t find any other logically valid explanations…
It’s like enough folks have their head in the sand for their own sake to allow this to happen…
You should think about something better when it comes to this.
A societal issues of haves and have nots comes to blows and you are saying what? “He’s pretty”
That’s something you can keep to yourself. Makes you look better.