Note that the cheese that the rat is eating is none of the types pictured, implying that all these issues are real and the rat doesn’t like them.
Note that the cheese that the rat is eating is none of the types pictured, implying that all these issues are real and the rat doesn’t like them.
Cream? What kinda cream do you have?
Assuming you fall asleep in any reasonable time frame. If i go to bed that early I’m likely to not fall asleep until 4am at least.
It’s straight up assault
Correct. And these fascists deserve nothing less.
Projection is one hell of a drug
i think “marlins” is another team name, it’s a fish species
deleted by creator
i think chicken conditions are probably better in sweden that the vast majority of other countries, definitely including the US, so i’m not sure what your point is here.
Alternatively N A Z I, but whichever works really.
gotta say, not a huge fan of using obvious “AI” art to promote this.
Unfortunately i then lose that money from taking sick days off work
A high effort shitpost? That’s a rare gem that is.
And yet when Netflix was good the amount of people who pirated went down a ton. I was on that train. Just give me a service that isn’t outrageously expensive, has most of the content i want, and is more convenient than pirating and I’ll do it, as long as i have an income.
100% agreed. It just reeks of mods thinking they own and know what’s best for the community, further exacerbated by comments like this one. They think they are the community, or at least are the reason it thrives.
I asked her about it, and she said that she won’t hijack the community from the existing team, but she’d be willing to point people to a community made alternative if it spins up. Not necessarily the decision i would have made, but i understand and respect it.
If the AMOC collapses they’ll become significantly less habitable, and that’s looking more likely to happen by the year.