And I can’t game on Apple. A mac is a useless brick for the remaining 50% of what I do on a computer.
And I can’t game on Apple. A mac is a useless brick for the remaining 50% of what I do on a computer.
Adobe and ease of use
I need Adobe, specifically Lightroom, because there’s no alternative. I can’t just stop using it as a semi-professional photographer (I make money from it, just not a ton).
Darktable doesn’t handle large libraries well and also is missing features such as AI remove and integration with photoshop for splitting photos up for social media posts.
Nope, not just you. I live in the greater Seattle area (nearly the tesla capital of the world) and 8/10 times I’m blinded is a tesla in oncoming traffic.
Rivians are also terrible, and most crossovers in the last 2-3 years have been increasingly bad.
Driving a lowered sports car with no windshield tint has made driving at night a horrible process. I’m debating getting a low % window tint just to take the edge off of the headlights.
My audio interface (GoXLR Mini) has no Linux support and no chance of getting it. So I have no audio output at all from Linux unless I boot to windows first.
Stuff like that is 100% what’s holding me back from switching full time right now.
At that price I’d honestly just get a MacBook. I know there’s a lot of Apple hate here, but they make phenomenal laptops.
I probably also wouldn’t ever upgrade my laptop, so framework probably isn’t for me anyways.
Thank you for the useless opinion that adds nothing. Congrats