Participating joyfully in the sorrows of the world
Prices go up up up Never come back down down down
The invisible hand job economy
Leaves 100 million unhappy griftees
Another week of signing delusional royal decrees that may or may not stand up in court. Now off to the golf course to abuse our land in a more physical way.
Now showing the true face of one third of our registered voters. Untied Scams of Ambivalence with beloved shill, Pump and Dump Rump. The bloated corrupt personification of everything that is wrong with us. Step right up!
I hope that makes the university responsible for any outstanding student loans and are compelled to reimburse interest and principle. Naw. I’m sure there is a screw you clause buried in the paperwork. That’s how we roll in the Untied Scams of Ambivalence.