How is it different than hell? What are the punishments? What acts get one sent there?
Heck is where you go when you don’t believe in Gosh.
The coffee is luke warm and the doughnuts are stale. It’s always windy and slightly too cold for comfort but not cold enough to put the heating on. Your bum itches.
Why were you sent here? See below.
Pride: you bragged about the size of your investments to your poorer relatives.
Greed: you shoplifted from a small ‘Mom & Pop’ store (stealing stuff from a chain store doesn’t count).
Wrath: you were rude to the waitress because of a small error in your order.
Lust: you propositioned your spouse’s younger sibling (and got turned down).
Envy: you keyed your neighbour’s new car.
Gluttony: you ate the last slice of pizza and drank the last beer.
Sloth: you never got out of bed before 11:00 a.m. at the weekend.
It’s just like here but there’s an awful, hollow, gnawing feeling like you’ve already seen this post before just last week.
I’ve often thought there should be an element of Groundhog Day to Heck. So what did you do to end up here?
Both imaginary.
Child molesters and people who talk at the theater
I said, “Heck” as in the mildly bad place and not the sub-basement of the lowest circle of hell.
No, those are the punishments. They won’t hurt you, but you have to tolerate them. Eternally.
Okay, I get it now. Yeah, that’s pretty gross. You’d be a good heck demon. Are they called demons? Seems like it should be something more boring.
Just annoying men named Damon.