Making maple syrup is my favorite late winter activity! I suck at it and have no real setup so it always has an ash flavor… But sitting around a fire all day watching sap boil is very relaxing… Almost everyone taps a tree or two at least.
For federal offices yes, for state offices it would require a constitutional amendment. I think Maine is decently progressive despite the second district.
Vermont… I think we could get this done pretty quick… In fact, I bet the rest of the US wouldn’t even notice… Bonus, we’ll bring Bernie.
Vermont is already a honorary Canadian province for producing so much maple syrup.
Making maple syrup is my favorite late winter activity! I suck at it and have no real setup so it always has an ash flavor… But sitting around a fire all day watching sap boil is very relaxing… Almost everyone taps a tree or two at least.
Can Maine come too?
Maine can go to Spain, after all we already blamed the Maine on Spain.
Upvote for semi-obscure history reference, which unfortunately most products of US education won’t get.
But to get from Maine to Spain you must fly in a plane.
Gotta get your politics in line… Ranked choice voting was a good start… Is that still a thing?
For federal offices yes, for state offices it would require a constitutional amendment. I think Maine is decently progressive despite the second district.
Yeah, I think all of New England is down for this. Please.
American here. What’s a Vermont?
Lol… It’s where Bernie kicked off the revolution
When did he kick it off and how is it going?
Like 9 years ago… Going great! I think we’re winning lol /s
I think it’s a term for small, destructive animals?
It’s where some maple syrup comes from. The capital is Montpelier.
That’s the full extent of my Vermont knowledge.
You mean pancake juice?
I’m so down for this.