Just ditched Feedly after using it for many years. Should’ve done this a long time ago, inoreader is awesome!
I’ve been using Inoreader since the end of Google Reader and: it’s amazing, I love it! Solves all my use cases :)
Before I started to self-host FreshRSS, I used Inoreader, and can highly recommend them.
I was really happy a few weeks ago when I went through all my software and noticed that Inoreader was from the EU. Great modern RSS reader.
This was a nice discovery. It’s an excellent substitute for Google News, and in my opinion, even better.
Shouldn’t we also try to support open-source alternatives? For example I’ve been using Capy Reader on my phone, locally without any account.
Yes there are plenty of good open source apps and tools. However if you want to read your feeds on multiple devices and have them synced between them that means you gotta host your own service like FreshRSS for example, which is probably not an option for the average user.