Both not problems that prevent me from using my phone as an MP3 player. I have about 1000 songs on there and plenty of storage free, plus a USB-C to 3.5mm stereo jack adapter. I just keep the dongle attached to the end of the headphone cord and it’s fine.
I only use spotify for discovering music.
I then download it ( is the best tool I have used so far) or buy it.
I got an mp3 player for like €13 on aliexpress, but that broke a day or so ago (rip).
No SD card, no headphone jack.
Both not problems that prevent me from using my phone as an MP3 player. I have about 1000 songs on there and plenty of storage free, plus a USB-C to 3.5mm stereo jack adapter. I just keep the dongle attached to the end of the headphone cord and it’s fine.
all of those usbc - 3.5mm adaptors have been utter shit in my experience. even the fancy expensive “official” ones crackly and disconnect.