Yah true. If episode one is awful I won’t continue. Maybe I weight them like episode 1 70% , 2 20%, but by episode 3 10%. So by episode 3 I 100% know if if I’m going to like a serialized TV show.
Yeah I’m with you. I don’t have one to two hours to commit to a show for three episodes to basically just be nice or give the benefit of the doubt. Either you have me in the first episode or I’m out to watch or do something else.
It episode 1 sucks I’m not going to watch it at all.
Yah true. If episode one is awful I won’t continue. Maybe I weight them like episode 1 70% , 2 20%, but by episode 3 10%. So by episode 3 I 100% know if if I’m going to like a serialized TV show.
Yeah I’m with you. I don’t have one to two hours to commit to a show for three episodes to basically just be nice or give the benefit of the doubt. Either you have me in the first episode or I’m out to watch or do something else.