Donald Trump continues to suck up to the Russian president.

If Ukraine were to suddenly surrender to Russia, everything would be “much better,” at least according to Donald Trump.

During an afternoon press conference Wednesday, the Republican presidential nominee urged the Eastern European nation to submit to the foreign power, claiming that any deal, no matter how dismal for Ukraine’s freedom, would have been better than the current state of affairs.

“Ukraine is gone. It’s not Ukraine anymore. You can never replace those cities and towns, and you can never replace the dead people, so many dead people,” Trump said. “Any deal, even the worst deal, would have been better than what we have right now.

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  • @[email protected]
    419 days ago

    Crazy that these reporters can understand what Trump is trying to articulate around that mouthful of Putin’s dick.

  • @[email protected]
    449 days ago

    Fuck that, but also notice “Ukraine is not Ukraine anymore”. This is a dangerous part of propaganda.

    People will rage against the headline and who knows if he will eventually back track on that, but he already sold the underlying message without any serious risk of backlash.

  • @[email protected]
    809 days ago

    I know a Ukrainan born US citizen with a significant amount of family still living in Ukraine who is also a Trump supporter. He hates Russia and wants Ukraine to maintain independence. I asked him a couple of weeks ago what he thought would happen to Ukraine if Trump was reelected and he said Ukraine would probably be left to fend for themselves. This statement did not come with remorse or condemnation, it was delivered in the same way you would describe the winner of a sporting event. A simple statement of fact.

    I don’t know how to respond to that kind of thinking. If the understanding that your vote might lead to the death of your family members doesn’t break through the political polarization in this country and make you reconsider then I don’t think anything will.

    • knightly the Sneptaur
      609 days ago

      I’m trans, and I’m not the only one in my family.

      My Dad claims he votes Republican for tax purposes.

      • @[email protected]
        9 days ago

        So to him the potential to possibly pay less taxes is more important than his own child’s safety and right to exist.

        And that’s not even mentioning that there is like a 99.98% chance that nothing Trump does with respect to taxes will ever affect him (positively) in any way.

        • @[email protected]
          69 days ago

          Yeah that’s a thing trans people are unfortunately used to as a community. I’m lucky to not be in such a situation, my ex father votes republican for all the reasons

    • @[email protected]
      49 days ago

      I was going to say that maybe the concept was too abstract for him, so the thought of losing family members to war didn’t even cross his mind. It could never happen to him, right?

      But then again, Ukraine has been at war with Russia for some time now. Surely he knows people who have perished in the war?

      Did he give you a reason why he supports Trump? Is it maybe a misogyny thing?

      • @[email protected]
        69 days ago

        I’ve known this guy for a long time. He’s grown up in rural America so he has all the same reasons for supporting Trump as those people typically do with the added oddity of being more impacted by the negative outcomes of those policies. Guns, immigration, general economic stuff. At least those are the reasons they’ll state publicly.

        It seems more like an in-group thing than anything else to me. I would have expected some sort of expression of disagreement with Trump on this particular issue but he says he thinks Democrats will do the same thing despite all evidence to the contrary. That is how he’s chosen to rationalize the situation.

  • @[email protected]
    459 days ago

    Remember, that Putin has ambitions way beyond Ukraine. He will likely want the EU and NATO to pull out from CEE at minimum, if not those countries to join his empire in some way or another.

    • @[email protected]
      -249 days ago

      Where does that idea even come from?

      Ironically it’s the same logic Israel uses against the Palestinians. They want to destroy us and can’t be reasoned with, so it has to be total war.

      • @[email protected]
        58 days ago

        Huge difference, Ukraine military operations were for a long time purely defensive, only engaging in their own territory. Now they are starting to target military facilities in Russian territory more with no evidince of excessive collatoral damage, which is still understandable. If Russia withdrew offensive forces, Ukraine would not be trying to ‘wipe out’ Russia.

        Versus Israel where just tremendous indiscriminate operations are inflicting more ‘collateral’ damage than what would be considered understandable targets for deliberate damage. I think the world might have been pretty fine with surgical incursions against Hamas and Hezbollah, but Israel has not displayed that discipline.

      • @[email protected]
        109 days ago

        Difference being: here it’s attributed to one man, Putin. Israel applies it to all Palestinians. Difference couldn’t be more obvious.

  • @[email protected]
    118 days ago

    “you can never replace the dead people, so many dead people”

    Jfc this guy somehow made it? How about, “we can never replace the countless lives lost in this war, or repair the families that have been broken”

    Idk. Is it great? Nah, but I can type a thing in like 20 seconds and this orange potato just fuckin speaks like a middle school student. How the fuck

  • @[email protected]
    2319 days ago

    Trumps plan to “solve russias war against ukraine” is to “give up”.

    Is this the man you want leading your country?

    Imagine FDR “solving ww2” by surrendering to japan and the nazis

    • @[email protected]
      679 days ago

      This was his strategy in Afghanistan too!

      Arguably that was always going to end with a Taliban takeover, but we could’ve done that without giving them a leg up.

      • OBJECTION!
        -469 days ago

        If only we’d continued our brutal occupation of Afghanistan another 20 years, maybe the regime would’ve lasted another two weeks after we left.

        Y’all are completely hopeless, enjoy your forever wars.

        • @[email protected]
          9 days ago

          Are people like this just incapable of grasping nuance? I can only definitively speak for myself, but I’m pretty sure nobody here wants forever wars (maybe there are some dumb tankies that think they want it)

          We all wanted out of Afghanistan, we just would prefer to have, you know, an actual plan.

          But you know that already, don’t you? Or are you actually that ignorant?

          • OBJECTION!
            -279 days ago

            And what would that plan have looked like, exactly? How do you pull out of the country, watch the inevitable collapse of the regime you spent 20 years building, and hand the county over to your enemies without it being messy and getting egg on your face?

            It was inevitable that things would play out the way they did, and it needed to happen. Biden made the call and accepted the fallout for a completely necessary and good decision that everyone had been calling for for years. And yet, rather than taking credit for it, y’all want to try to shift it over to Trump! That’s insane to me.

              • OBJECTION!
                -38 days ago

                Trump failed in it’s execution because we were still there when he left office. Biden succeeded in it’s execution as evidenced by the fact that we are no longer there.

                I will repeat my question, since you didn’t answer it at all: How do you pull out of the country, watch the inevitable collapse of the regime you spent 20 years building, and hand the county over to your enemies without it being messy and getting egg on your face?

            • @[email protected]
              09 days ago

              Either go full imperialist and take over the country, making it a US territory, or never bother in the first place.

            • @[email protected]
              9 days ago

              Did I ever claim to be a fucking expert on military operations? I don’t fucking know what that plan would look like. That doesn’t mean I’m ok with how it went down.

              It was absolutely not inevitable that it went down that way… Do you already forget how bad that shit was?

              • OBJECTION!
                9 days ago

                That’s a completely ridiculous stance. You have no alternative whatsoever to what happened, and as I pointed out, it was always going to be messy because it represented 20 years of total failure, but you’re criticizing it… why? Because the news told you to? The same news that lied us into the wars in the first place?

                I didn’t forget how bad the pullout was, I just also didn’t forget how bad the occupation was. Ending the war deserves enough props to outweigh any mistakes made in the pullout.

                • @[email protected]
                  9 days ago

                  I, someone who has no experience with military tactics whatsoever, personally, have no alternative and that means there must be no alternative.

                  I appreciate how much credit you’re giving me here… but no. Don’t be obtuse.

                  I know you’re smarter than that.

          • OBJECTION!
            -99 days ago

            If we had pulled out then, the regime we were propping up would instantly collapse and the withdrawal would’ve been messy and y’all would be criticizing Obama for pulling out the exact same way you’re criticizing the pullout the way it actually played out, because it was always going to play out the same way.

            • @[email protected]
              59 days ago

              Criticism >>>> More American soldiers dying in a pointless war

              Mike Gravel said it best:

              You know what’s worse than a soldier dying in vain? It’s more soldiers dying in vain.

              • OBJECTION!
                9 days ago

                That quote directly contradicts you criticizing the stance of giving up on Afghanistan. I should be the one quoting it at you. I cannot make any sense of your position whatsoever.

                • @[email protected]
                  69 days ago

                  Not giving up, tipping the scales to favor a terrorist organization. His “deal” gave the Taliban greater legitimacy, bolstered their numbers, and probably gave them all a good laugh as we held up our end and they almost immediately violated the agreement.

    • @[email protected]
      99 days ago

      If Chamberlain can give up Czeckoslovakia for “peace for our time”, and be remembered as a great man (or at least as a garage door opener) surely Trump can be remembered for all time by giving up Eastern Europe for profit for his time

      • @[email protected]
        409 days ago

        To his credit, Chamberlain wasn’t as bad as he’s made out. When he implemented his policy of appeasement, Britain was not actually capable of meaningfully resisting nazi Germany. He basically brought time to bring Britain back to a war footing. When it became obvious to the public that war was coming, he fell on his sword. This cleared the way for Churchill to take charge, without significant infighting. He also inherited Britain on a far better war footing, and even then it was a close thing.

        Basically, Chamberlain knew his plan wouldn’t work long term. He took one “for king and country”, likely knowing how it would be perceived. I can at least respect him for that.

        • @[email protected]
          149 days ago

          I’m not arguing it was or wasn’t right for Britain position at the time. Just making the point we know, from direct history, a policy of appeasement does nothing to stop further advancement.

          • @[email protected]
            59 days ago

            It did though. Hitler could have gone after Britain and france earlier. However, he thought Britain was staying out of things, and so played more safe and slow. This brought Britain the time it needed. Hitler honestly didn’t expect Britain to declare war on him, and that slowed his assault on that front. If WW2 had gone serious even 6 months earlier, Britain would have been in serious trouble. The RAF would have collapsed under the luftwaffa, and WW2 would have been very different. Appeasement traded lives for time.

            Don’t get me wrong, it was a dick move, and threw others under the tanks tracks to save Britain. It’s also worth noting that this is not what Trump is trying to do. He’s just being a boot licker to the most powerful person who will talk to him. Appeasement at least had a positive goal.

            • @[email protected]
              69 days ago

              I think the person’s point is that the situations are not entirely analogous. For one, the US at the moment is certainly not “not on war footing,” nor do we need to buy time to build up forces.

              The only reason it “worked” for Britain in WW2 was due to the specific situation that you described; that they needed to buy time.

              I would not call that a useful strategy in any other circumstance.

            • @[email protected]
              59 days ago

              Hitler could have gone after Britain and france earlier

              Hitler didn’t have a strong military in 1930’s either. It gave Hitler time to build.

              “The Rhineland coup is often seen as the moment when Hitler could have been stopped with very little effort; the German forces involved in the move were small, compared to the much larger, and at the time more powerful, French military.”

     7 March 1936%2C using,decided against enforcing the treaties.

              • @[email protected]
                38 days ago

                Hitler didn’t have a strong military in 1930’s either. It gave Hitler time to build.

                No they didn’t, people tend to think it was all tanks zipping all over the place, but a good proportion of their army was still horse driven. I was stationed in (British Army) barrack in Germany in the 1980’s. Barracks that had been built during the German build up prior to WW2. There was more space for horses than troops.

    • @[email protected]
      28 days ago

      Trump was happy enough to sell Ukraine a ton of weapons back in 2018, when Grimmer Bolton was whispering in his ear about playing both sides against the middle.

      So much of this anti-war Trumpism is deeply cynical. He says this shit because the war is unpopular, but as soon as he’s in the driver’s seat he’s going right back to the Nixon in Vietnam and Obama/Trump in Afghanistan strategy of dragging that shit out forever so he doesn’t have to admit he lost.

      People wax poetic about Trump being bad for Gaza. But this guy would be a nightmare for Europe more than anything. He’s erratic, untrustworthy, and easily swayed.

      I think Harris is shit on foreign policy, but I have no illusions about Trump immediately kicking off more conflicts internationally because one of his Beautiful Generals told him it would look cool to drop another fuel bomb or three.

    • @[email protected]
      58 days ago

      I know we promissed to protect you from Russia explicitly when you gave up your nuclear deterents but that was like soooo long ago.

  • @[email protected]
    328 days ago

    Well, he might be on to something.

    I’m studying world history for the first time and I’ve so far gotten to 1938 and while I know absolutely nothing that happened after that, so far it looks like this suggestion has worked with this Hitler fellow.

    • @[email protected]
      88 days ago

      I found and old encyclopedia at a car boot sale from around that time. Looked up Germany and it mentioned that ‘Herr Hitler had done wonders for Germany’s economy but wasn’t very popular in some circles as they considered his views and policies were extreme.’

      Another fun fact - Nazis were very popular with a lot of the British Royal family and the ‘upper classes’. They were also supported by The Daily Mail newspaper, some things never change do they?

  • @[email protected]
    269 days ago

    trump embodies pretty much every single negative adjective you can possibly apply to a human being

  • @[email protected]
    248 days ago

    Who really believes Russia will stop at their current claims? Once they achieve their current goals, they’ll attack for more, and more, and more. The killing doesn’t stop.

      • @[email protected]
        8 days ago

        “Trump, I think that dictator is an imperialist! His Siberia is colonised, his Chechnya is colonised, and I’m pretty sure that Belarus is colonised!”

        “A dictator who has lots of colonies is less likely to invade countries than a dictator whose colony supplies are low”

  • Queen HawlSera
    219 days ago

    “Launch codes, ownership of the United States, the souls of America’s first born. Ya know, just being reasonable here…” - Donny Turnip

  • partial_accumen
    399 days ago

    “Any deal, even the worst deal, would have been better than what we have right now.

    And this just shows how uninformed Trump is.

    • Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014 and took Crimea! Ukraine did not attack.
    • Russia then invade in Luhansk and Donbas and illegally annex both regions in 2022

    So what deal is Trump talking about that would have left Ukraine alone? 2014? Nope. 2022? Nope.

    The only deal Putin is willing to accept is total control over the sovereign nation of Ukraine.

    • @[email protected]
      28 days ago

      Nah, he and the Duma have stated their victory conditions: total control over Ukraine AND the destruction of Ukrainian national identity. He doesn’t want Ukraine thinking of itself as a sovereign nation, only a Russian state.

    • @[email protected]
      59 days ago

      The only deal Putin is willing to accept is total control over the sovereign nation of Ukraine.

      Trump: “Sounds good.”