Eastern European countries have very corrupt leadership. The EU provides those leaders “development loans” but they are really just bribes to oppose Russia. All the money goes into corrupt pockets and their civilians are reptessed. The EU looks the other way because it is convenient.
if the US has its grubby hands on something outside their own country, we can be pretty sure they are up to no good. given, you know, their history fucking everyone else over.
Yet if they are supported by the US and EU, it will then be considered outside interference by a lot of communists on Lemmy.
As if the US would support such a movement. They only support right wing fascist dictatorships. Or “democracy” if there’s resources to exploit.
Does Serbia have any special natural resources we need to “spread democracy” for?
Oh. Well in that case. Democracy it is!
Eastern European countries have very corrupt leadership. The EU provides those leaders “development loans” but they are really just bribes to oppose Russia. All the money goes into corrupt pockets and their civilians are reptessed. The EU looks the other way because it is convenient.
Because it has worked so well in the past…
So it would be rude to interfere with Serbia’s continuous revolution.
They are more than capable of deposing their own government without outside assistance. Enough colour revolutions already.
if the US has its grubby hands on something outside their own country, we can be pretty sure they are up to no good. given, you know, their history fucking everyone else over.
doesn’t seem to be the case here, thankfully.
It would be outside interference. This seems to be organic though, hence why it’s not being covered much by western msm.