Okay everyone calm down. We can’t see the other side. Everyone knows that you tie one side at the top of the wheel and the other at the bottom of the wheel. When driving, the two wheels rotate at the same speed and keep the line taut.
(please don’t ever do this)
**friction has entered the chat**
Curves have entered the chat.
Every turn of the wheel would still twist the strap, pulling it tighter
No it wouldn’t, that’s crazy.
Last time i saw this posted someone said it was made by a person who makes these type of ridiculous scenarios on purpose. I have no idea if that’s true or not, just repeating what i heard someone say
no idea if that’s true or not, just repeating what i heard someone say
Aren’t we all
its what I thought as well. I can totally see myself doing this
I can only sit back and enjoy the show when just the idiot is in danger. If their stupidity endangers others, I cannot ignore it.
Well he won’t go far.
Aye. We need natural selection to have a comeback, lest it’ll end us all.
A 2003 FB posts are an acceptable way to easy into the FV.
Fediverse, I’m guessing? I don’t know for sure.
You’re correct
2003? I believe fb didn’t come out until next year.
You mean you didn’t get in on the beta version?
These people vote.
Makes me wonder if voting should require a captcha test. “I am not a moron”
I’d sit back. Way, way back.
I think the 4 wheeler would get shredded and the hubcaps would fall off before the straps break
And if the wheel rotates slowly the hooks might actually pop off I guess I dunno
You know I’d have my phone out, ready to record that shit
Doing gods work I see
gets popcorn
It’s not an excuse, but I can’t see any tie down points on that thing. What kind of moron designs (and buys) a vehicle made for moving stuff without tie downs? Dumb as fuck
The anchor points are usually in the bed or the side of the stake holes. On my truck (half ton dodge) none of the places to tie on to are visible.
On my truck (old Ford Ranger) the stupid plastic bed liner obstructs whatever tie downs there might be, so I end up hooking my ratchet straps on the lip of the fender/bed side.
(I’d get rid of the bed liner, but I’m scared to look at how much rust there might be under it and also can’t justify the cost of even a DIY spray-on/roll-on replacement.)
Good point lol, guess I don’t have much experience with these style of vehicle. I’ve only ever worked with the aluminum tray back type with anchors on every visible surface.
I hope they did this just for a silly meme and aren’t that stupid.
People that stupid are out there… I saw someone at Costco trying to get a 90" TV into a Prius.