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Good thing they voted in the conservatives to keep letting the price gouging happen!
- The previous liberal government in power for 8 years did absolutely nothing to solve the NSP issues despite promising many times to work on lowering power rates.
- The current progressive conservative government in power is actually about as left leaning as the provincial liberals, so this particular issue has nothing to do with conservative vs liberals.
The real issue is that the utility should never have been privatized (yes decades ago by a PC gov’t).
It’s an all party problem. Not that the cons are being awesome or anything but we got fucked us as consumers in the 1990s when they privatized the power company.
No it’s due to the two-party system.
The NDP also did jack shit about NSP during it’s term as goverenment.
You cant paint every party in Nova Scotia with the blame.
Why? If they all had a turn and none of them fixed it, why focus the blame? Sounds like a shared responsibility.
Blind devotion to party politics.