Created an account just to say, PLEASE - keep this label as “Gulf of Mexico”. As on open community, we should not bend to the knee of a tyrant. One sad pathetic man should not have that power. I am disgusted and ashamed to be an American right now. Google, Apple, and the rest sell us out. I refused to comply. OSM must remain unbiased, and keep the name which has defined this body of water for hundreds of years.
As of revision version #85, OpenStreetMap has the following tags for Golfo de México:
Frankly I agree. From my personal experience, every single native Chicagoan has been calling that particular building “Sears Tower”. Even though the name has been officially changed for more than 15 years by this point…
And I thin OSM actually handled this quite well! The original Sears Tower name is still available as an “alt_name” tag on OSM as well, I just double-checked and yep it’s still searchable on the map
Frankly I agree. From my personal experience, every single native Chicagoan has been calling that particular building “Sears Tower”. Even though the name has been officially changed for more than 15 years by this point…
And I thin OSM actually handled this quite well! The original Sears Tower name is still available as an “alt_name” tag on OSM as well, I just double-checked and yep it’s still searchable on the map