John Conness, who represented California in the U.S. Senate 1863-69, was clear and outspoken in support of birthright citizenship provided by the 14th Amendment
“Here is a simple declaration,” he said. “Human beings born in the United States shall be regarded as citizens of the United States, entitled to civil rights, to the right of equal defense, to the right of equal punishment for crime with other citizens. And that such a provision should be deprecated by any person having or claiming to have a high humanity passes all my understanding and comprehension.”
“This is a straightforward statement,” he said. “People born in the United States should be considered U.S. citizens, with the same civil rights, the same legal protections, and the same punishments for crimes as any other citizen. That anyone who claims to be deeply humane would oppose such a principle is completely beyond my understanding.”
OG mic drop.
Updated for the modern reader:
“This is a straightforward statement,” he said. “People born in the United States should be considered U.S. citizens, with the same civil rights, the same legal protections, and the same punishments for crimes as any other citizen. That anyone who claims to be deeply humane would oppose such a principle is completely beyond my understanding.”
Thank you for the translation lmao. I needed that!
Trump’s response: you mean those illegals are human?