And your warped beliefs demonstrate a profound lack of compassion and a complete misunderstanding of the real world. Only one of us needs to learn from history right now, and it sure a shit ain’t me. Thanks for destroying some of the very little hope in humanity I’ve got left by defending literal, actual genocide.
I’m not about to waste time convincing anyone that you (and any worthless fuck that agrees with you) are a massive fucking idiot, but I genuinely hope you learn your lesson someday and grow as a person. Though, seeing as you’re about to refuse to listen or learn a damn thing, I’m sure you’ll get to experience some of this shit first hand with the way the political world is currently capsizing.
What exactly are they supposed to learn? You haven’t actually presented any argument or reason, you’ve just gotten really really performativly agree at the idea of people believing differently to you
You are amazingly good at describing yourself and yet are still so blind. It’s quite fascinating actually, if I were a research psychologist, I’d be having a field day. Dunning-Kruger seems a fitting place to start, lol
Absolutely hilarious that you presume to tell somebody who actually grew up in USSR that they’re delusional about USSR. You are an absolute and utter clown.
@yogthos@Sabre363 I’ve also grown up in the USSR but the image you posted is an absolute false equivalency. While it can be argued that the idea of a communist state is quite liberal, Stalin does not represent that idea. He was an autocratic tyrant and a murderer. To equate the US Liberal movement to Stalin is a grave disservice to the liberal cause.
When you spew more right wing bullshit than the CIA
Even in Stalin’s time there was collective leadership. The Western idea of a dictator within the Communist setup is exaggerated. Misunderstandings on that subject are caused by a lack of comprehension of the real nature and organization of the Communist’s power structure.
And your warped beliefs demonstrate a profound lack of compassion and a complete misunderstanding of the real world. Only one of us needs to learn from history right now, and it sure a shit ain’t me. Thanks for destroying some of the very little hope in humanity I’ve got left by defending literal, actual genocide.
I’m not about to waste time convincing anyone that you (and any worthless fuck that agrees with you) are a massive fucking idiot, but I genuinely hope you learn your lesson someday and grow as a person. Though, seeing as you’re about to refuse to listen or learn a damn thing, I’m sure you’ll get to experience some of this shit first hand with the way the political world is currently capsizing.
average user right here lmao
The real world understand has logged on. 🤣
And thus you refuse to learn . . . again.
What exactly are they supposed to learn? You haven’t actually presented any argument or reason, you’ve just gotten really really performativly agree at the idea of people believing differently to you
What I have learned here is that I’m having a discussion with an ignoramus who is a victim of the Dunning-Kruger effect.
You are amazingly good at describing yourself and yet are still so blind. It’s quite fascinating actually, if I were a research psychologist, I’d be having a field day. Dunning-Kruger seems a fitting place to start, lol
Absolutely hilarious that you presume to tell somebody who actually grew up in USSR that they’re delusional about USSR. You are an absolute and utter clown.
Let him cook, let the user talk about history so far it has only thrown insults.
It’s always the same script too, they just memorize a handful of tropes and they throw at you.
This is just even more sad if you really did grow up in the USSR
The only thing that’s sad is ignorant westoids thinking they know better than people who actually have direct lived experience.
@yogthos @Sabre363 I’ve also grown up in the USSR but the image you posted is an absolute false equivalency. While it can be argued that the idea of a communist state is quite liberal, Stalin does not represent that idea. He was an autocratic tyrant and a murderer. To equate the US Liberal movement to Stalin is a grave disservice to the liberal cause.
When you spew more right wing bullshit than the CIA
CIA. (1953, declassified in 2008). Comments on the Change in Soviet Leadership
The liberal cause? You mean the genocide of indigenous people and the enslavement of black people?
You sound very confident in your grasp of history for someone who got it from watching TV or reading from airport bookstores.