The European Commission wants to boost Europe's economy by redirecting the savings of citizens across the EU towards investment to stay competitive on the global stage. #EuropeNews
Euronews is owned by a spanish holding called Alpac Capital. The father of their CEO had a seat in the European parliament but is now an advisor for Orban. The father has been awarded with state medals for achievements for the country.
Hungarian state affiliated banks have invested in Alpac Capital.
This is all Wikipedia btw, not that hard to find
Orban, so by extension yes
okay, will update my memory accordingly; but nevertheless a bad actor and thus articles from there should be taken with a heap of salt.
Source? It’s odd as I see a lot of negative stuff about Hungary on there
Euronews is owned by a spanish holding called Alpac Capital. The father of their CEO had a seat in the European parliament but is now an advisor for Orban. The father has been awarded with state medals for achievements for the country.
Hungarian state affiliated banks have invested in Alpac Capital. This is all Wikipedia btw, not that hard to find
Thanks, yeah I found the same stuff. I’ll keep it in mind, seems generally like a pretty center-left source but I guess there must be some impact