That’s why I only use they even have a lottery where they can directly transfer the money to your bank account when you win. They’re very friendly!
“Users who in the past would type ‘free online file converter’ into a search engine are vulnerable, as the algorithms used for results now often include paid results, which might be scams.”
Nooo, you mean turning search engines into monetization and ad delivery engines had downsides? Who would have thought!
Fucking greed at the root of another goddamned issue…
Protip: ask your favourite llm to write you a python script to convert between the formats you’re interested in. Bonus benefit: simultaneously learn a bit about programming!
I’d recommend some CLI utility to a beginner over Python: pandoc, ffmpeg, image magic…
True, that’s a good point :)
As much as I’m not a fan of this, I’ll at least admit it was helpful in helping me quickly learn how to scale videos using FFMPEG. That, combined with the documentation and now I have a command saved to a reference text document to help if I ever forget.
Ffmprg is remarkably powerful. If it is a picture on your screen, you can use ffmpeg to do what you want to it. Recently discovered it could convert PNG, jpeg, and webp images back and forth. To think I’ve only used it for video.
I have zero interest in learning all the intricacies of ffmpeg so I find ChatGPT to be very useful. I’ve also used it for yt-dlp for downloading videos and converting the audio to mp3. Very useful. I personally save them as bash scripts so I can just input the file name or url as a command line argument. On Mac you can also wrap your bash scripts in AppleScript if you want to make applets for these functions. ChatGPT works great for apple script as well but I’ve had to feed it source code (eg from Apple Digital Mastering applets) to ensure it writes the new code correctly. You still must know what you’re doing.
Is yt-dlp really that difficult that you can’t take ten min to learn the syntax? Do you not worry that you might end up relying on this stuff too much?
For example, I know I’m completely reliant on GPS, and I would be useless without it
The syntax is easy, but the options change a bit depending on what you want to do. My entire job I requires me to use my brain so I don’t mind cheating when it doesn’t really matter as in this case. In my case I wanted a SQLite database to store URLs and playlist IDs for recording attempts and to make sure I don’t download the same video multiple times. I think I also had songs run thru music brainz for audio fingerprinting and mp3 tags. ChatGPT doesn’t get it right the first time but often gives a reasonable boilerplate piece of code as a template to start from.
That’s why I always prefer an offline converter. Also if your upload a file somewhere the website can save it for their own purpose alhough they say they won’t do it.
Precisely, and this is why I’ve never trusted online “free” converters since day one. Who the fuck knows what they’re actually doing with your file, and I always assumed that most of them were fronts to steal data and IP from users who are stupid enough to upload corporate and business stuff to them.
Anyway, there’s vanishingly little I haven’t been able to do over the years with ffmpeg or Imagemagick, their byzantine command line structures notwithstanding.
Which is why I’ve been happy to trust them for files nobody cares about, like a random audio file that I got off the Internet. And it’s very unlikely they’d be able to exploit my media player.
The website mentions that there are fake offline converters that push malware as well.
Yes this can also happen. I should have written open source offline converter
What you recommend in terms of offline open-source converters?
Pandoc for documents, ffmpeg for video , imagemagick for images
What image types are you using that ffmpeg can’t convert? To my knowledge it works for almost anything.
Gonna be honest, never used ffmpeg for images lol. I often take images from PDFs that have transparency (rpg books to import into my vtt) and they come out of pdfimages with an opaque greyscale alpha mask and an opaque image. I found it easy to apply the mask with imagemagick, though. Ffmpeg can probably do it but just never had a use case. I just use cwebp to convert because that’s my primary use-case: converting pngs to lossy webp files and cwebp is good enough for me for that:)
Images from PDFs, wasn’t thinking about that. I normally work with just image files. Cool!
What are you looking to convert?
Usually what i do is look for any converter and look for open source alternatives to it on and hopefully one of the top 3 alternatives fits your use case
Psst the URL is: I always stop here first to research what software options there are available and also learning what other people are using. Extremely useful and trustworthy site!
Thanks i dropped the “to”
I tend to just whip up a script of some sort that employs widely used libraries for the conversion. I know that’s more technical than most people would have the tolerance or aptitude for, but for me, it’s the least ambiguous and most secure way to do stuff like that. And then I can squirrel it away in a utility scripts directory and use it later if I need it again.
Which offline converter? I find myself often trying to convert:
- AVC to MP4
- OPUS to MP3
etc. I have no idea how to do that but if I type it into a search engine there’s usually tools there.
FFmpeg and handbrake do the latter two quite handily. The latter even has a nice program interface, rather than needing commands.
ImageMagick is capable of the first. I’ve had it go the other way before, and I should be most surprised if it couldn’t convert a PDF to a jpg.
I don’t have the knowledge or the time to learn to use these tools.
Then I suppose you’re up shit creek.
Thanks for that deep analysis.
Let me tell you a little bit about all those various file converter tools, be it ffmpeg, pandoc, imagemagick, whatever.
The majority of them can be used like this:
magick inputfile.bmp outputfile.jpg.
If all you need is this file in that format, that’s how you do it. They’re ridicluously capable, you can do editing and compositing and such with them and whatever. If you have a use case where you do that a lot, like you just always put a watermark on images or you always desaturate them or whatever, you can write a script, then just run that script.They’re basically all like that. Fairly simple to use for basic format translation, shockingly capable if you want to write a script.
magick inputfile.bmp outputfile.jpg.
Handbrake has a GUI, and it’s relatively straightforward to use. VLC also works well. You can also use ffmpeg on the CLI like so:
ffmpeg -i input_video.mp4 output_video.avi
imagemagick isn’t really that hard, in most cases it’s:
convert <file1> <file2>
For example:
convert file.pdf file.jpg
If that doesn’t work, try
:pdftoppm input.pdf outputname -png
I don’t know of a good GUI for it, I recommend just learning to use either imagemagick or pdftoppm.
Handbrake has a GUI, and it’s relatively straightforward to use
I downloaded it and it immediately did not work so I’m gonna have to disagree with you there, champ.
You can also use ffmpeg on the CLI like so:
I’ve lost far too many hours to the CLI. I don’t fall for that trick anymore.
You do you, I guess. Those are incredibly simple commands I provided, and you can intuit pretty easily how to tweak them for other formats.
I guess it’s up to you. You can gamble with random services online, or you can spend a few minutes and learn to use a tool that’s all but guaranteed to not have malware.
or you can spend a few minutes
This is just a fucking lie and I’m tired of hearing it. What did I just say?
I’ve lost far too many hours to the CLI.
I’ve tried to learn this shit. It’s a fucking rabbit hole. I type these commands, letter for letter, the terminal returns some completely useless error that provides me with no diagnostic information whatsoever, I spend hours searching and trying to understand why and come up empty-handed. I don’t have time for that anymore. I already have multiple jobs. It’s not how I prefer to spend my free time. And frankly, I don’t believe it anymore when software engineers feed me this bullshit.
You know what those web services do? I just click a button and it does what the button says. Why is that so hard?
It is indeed very difficult to type convert 001.jpg example.pdf and ffmpeg -i rock.mp4 rock.avi
convert 001.jpg example.pdf and ffmpeg -i rock.mp4 rock.avi
Lol, apparently it is hard. You were supposed to enter
convert 001.jpg example.pdf
ffmpeg -i rock.mp4 rock.avi
By putting the “and” in the commands you just caused an error lol
By putting the “and” in the commands you just caused an error lol
I didn’t put the “and” in the commands, I copied and pasted them from the comment above, but thank you for illustrating my point so very well.
okay, now what?
TYPE IT WHERE!? WHAT DO I DO WITH THIS INFORMATION!? How are you so completely unaware of how non-sensical this information is?
The terminal? Your post history suggests you are quite familiar with Linux. But I agree that those who are most prone to use random file conversion sites because they need something as PDF for work will be very confused by those instructions.
I am familiar with Linux but I avoid it whenever possible. I dailyed it for a couple of years but I’ve unfortunately moved on to Mac due to their deep dependency on terminal. If I have a problem and go and look up support, 99% of the time the advice is to open the terminal and start running commands, which is almost never the case for Windows or Mac. I’ve been using a Mac for about a year and I don’t even know where the terminal is. Even where there’s a perfectly suitable GUI solution, they’ll send you into the terminal anyway. Linux is made by and for devs and it is and will remain that way until the mentality of it’s creators change. And I am not a dev.
I can follow instructions. The problem is #1 I’m told “don’t type commands you don’t understand” and #2 no one ever explains what any of these commands do, so I never learn anything, and #3 the commands don’t work, and they return a generic error with zero diagnostic information, or sometimes just nothing at all happens. I don’t have time for that. I just want something that works.
imagemagick handles almost all image files
images ) ls 001.jpg 002.jpg 003.jpg 004.jpg 005.jpg images ) convert 001.jpg example.pdf
ffmpeg handles almost all video files
ex ) ls rock.mp4 ex ) ffmpeg -i rock.mp4 rock.avi
if you use gnome there’s a nice little feature of the file explorer where you can just drag and drop scripts into
for example
make a fish script (ignoring error checking for brevity here, my real script had a couple guard rails)
/#!/usr/bin/env fish set file $argv[1] convert $file (basename $file .png).pdf
then when you right click on a file in your gnome file explorer you can click the scripts option
and the script is right there so you can just easily convert with the press of a button
note, i crossed out some stuff that includes client names
tldr: there are so many ways to do what you need to do there’s no reason to trust random websites you don’t know. there’s a lot of slimey people out there wanting to take advantage of people. and everybody should strive to be at least a little computer literate. the examples i gave here aren’t complicated. they’re simple commands
That’s a pretty sweet feature in GNOME! I’ll need to see if there is something similar for KDE.
Don’t most pdf viewers have an export to image option?
AVC to MP4
Do you actually have files with an .avc extension? AVC is a codec that can be used in many different container formats, including MP4. Where did these files come from?
I actually agree that most audio conversion tools are needlessly awkward. Audacity will convert these just fine, though doesn’t really do bulk conversion. Foobar2000 will do it in bulk if you’re on windows.
On the PDF to JPEG, you can also open the PDFs with an image editor, such as Inkscape or krita, and then save the image on the format and quality needed. This method also has the benefit that on some cases you play with the assets if needed. (Depends on how was the PDF generated)
Don’t most pdf viewers have an export to image option?
Don’t know, I never looked! But I will, thanks.
Do you actually have files with an .avc extension?
Audacity will convert these just fine, though doesn’t really do bulk conversion.
I’ll give this a try on Tenacity. I didn’t realize they had file conversion on there.
Only helpful comment in this thread, thanks.
Video and audio conversion can be done with Handbrake or Shutter Encoder, both are nice GUIs
Handbrake won’t load the file and Shutter won’t even open. But thank you.
In Windows, Foobar2000 does easy audio file conversions, once you have installed the relevant codecs.
You could try Permute. It’s a pretty simple app for converting video and audio. Permute is my go-to for quick video conversion.
DBPowerAmp has an easy-to-use audio converter that supports pretty much every audio format and does batch file conversion as well. DBPowerAmp is my go-to for audio conversion.
Both of these are paid apps.
Thanks, I’ll check those out.
I can’t comment on the others, but PDF to JPEG should be easy enough. ImageMagick, which another commenter suggested, is possible but not user friendly. However you can just open the PDF in many applications and export it as an image. Adobe Acrobat and Photoshop can do it. GIMP probably too.
I’m a last ditch effort you can even just open the file and screenshot it.
Open/Libreoffice can do that too
No way, lol
“Users who in the past would type ‘free online file converter’ into a search engine are vulnerable, as the algorithms used for results now often include paid results, which might be scams.”
Mm hmm.
I refuse to believe that the free service I’ve been using for years has been exploiting my behavior for money… what kind of world is this?? What kind of psychopathic organization would do such a thing? Why isn’t capitalism working for me? Why?
The best is online CSR generators.
Yes, I know people who have implemented private keys they have been given from random websites.
I’m… Wut… Just…
What? Just base64 encrypt it before you store it in the git hub
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