I know there is a bit Internet belief that starship troopers is fascist but I’m not convinced.
Everyone is equal, free healthcare and education.They have an entry to vote so admittedly not everyone gets a vote. But absolutely anyone can choose to serve their government and by serving you automatically get a vote. Tbh I think there are arguments for that system. Once you get citizenship the system is completely democratic. They have propaganda but it is total war and which democracy hasn’t had propaganda during total war?
The book goes into it more and the book is a lot more serious and less campy. Verhoeven did try to twist it as much as possible which lost a lot but he still made a really entertaining movie.
A great time was in 2000-s, in 1990-s all these countries were ravaged by crime from Russia and extreme poverty because their economies relied heavily on Russia. You can’t switch your economy overnight. Just look at UK post Brexit and they don’t have even a fraction of problems people had post USSR.
We’re communicating instantaneously over a globe spanning computer network. In the early 90s that was not possible for the average joe. It was only in the very tail end of the decade that doing so didn’t require a fair amount of money and/or technical knowledge.
The network provides all of the information in every library on the planet to us instantaneously.
Remember the glory that was 90’s optimism.
30 years later I thought we would live in a better 90’s.
Instead we live in a really shit future that’s worse than even the 90s.
I don’t disagree, but this context is a bit weird given that starship troopers depicts a rosy vision of the future but with fascism.
I know there is a bit Internet belief that starship troopers is fascist but I’m not convinced.
Everyone is equal, free healthcare and education.They have an entry to vote so admittedly not everyone gets a vote. But absolutely anyone can choose to serve their government and by serving you automatically get a vote. Tbh I think there are arguments for that system. Once you get citizenship the system is completely democratic. They have propaganda but it is total war and which democracy hasn’t had propaganda during total war?
The book goes into it more and the book is a lot more serious and less campy. Verhoeven did try to twist it as much as possible which lost a lot but he still made a really entertaining movie.
There was no optimism in my country in 90-s. It was extreme poverty, extreme crime, no food, no jobs and near civil war. Fuck 1990-s.
Republic of Ireland?
For most of the west and a lot of countries in Asia. Things were good.
Usually when we’ve done well. it’s because a lot of others didn’t.
The whole of Soviet block. Which is a fuck loads of people.
The mistakes of the soviet empire really did ask get repaid in the 90s and that did such.
But for a lot of countries that was a great time that they finally got free from Russia.
A great time was in 2000-s, in 1990-s all these countries were ravaged by crime from Russia and extreme poverty because their economies relied heavily on Russia. You can’t switch your economy overnight. Just look at UK post Brexit and they don’t have even a fraction of problems people had post USSR.
We’re communicating instantaneously over a globe spanning computer network. In the early 90s that was not possible for the average joe. It was only in the very tail end of the decade that doing so didn’t require a fair amount of money and/or technical knowledge.
The network provides all of the information in every library on the planet to us instantaneously.
No offense but I’d gladly not talk to any of you fuckers if it meant all the good shit came back
Tbf telephones are/were a globe spanning computer network that allows instant communication… Even pre 90s
Prohibitively expensive for many though. Long distance, and especially international, could be super pricey.