You mean the business majors who think they’re an engineer because they spent a year majoring in engineering? Jk yeah I know these morons, they’re all throughout stem and if they see any value in the humanities it’s them being really into philosophy but like in the same way some salespeople are really into tech, ie lacking comprehension or context.
Also why is it always some fucked up bastardization of Stoicism? Why can’t it be Cynicism or fucking Bellicose philosophy it’s always fucking bastardized Stoicism.
Probably because they think of it as manly logical philosophy. I always liked stoicism because it helps with my panic attacks and it’s always weird hearing these guys talk about it. But also bad stoicism doesn’t challenge them, it doesn’t ask them to reconsider their actions, or to reevaluate anything. It merely says to be tough.
And in that vein it isn’t just bad stoicism. Some of them get into neitzche or get really into egoism and do that about as well as their goddess Ayn Rand.
They just want to hear that they’re smart and special and should be in charge.
Also whatever the absolute fuck is going on with “Rationalism” which much like objectivism is quite the opposite of what it’s called. Seriously I feel like these STEM weirdos need to be forced to camp by themselves for a month or so, just factory reset them.
Be careful what you wish for. I thought lsd would fix them but no, instead of becoming one with humanity and the earth they made it weird and tried to act like it was the secret to getting vc money.
So yeah they might just get into month long camping alone and start influencing on it and gentrifying fucking off into the woods.
And yeah rationalism and objectivism are so yikes it hurts. And their understanding of Stirner is lackluster at best. These are the sort of people who would read proudhon and only take away the bigotry or decide that since all property is theft they should just start stealing
You mean the business majors who think they’re an engineer because they spent a year majoring in engineering? Jk yeah I know these morons, they’re all throughout stem and if they see any value in the humanities it’s them being really into philosophy but like in the same way some salespeople are really into tech, ie lacking comprehension or context.
Also why is it always some fucked up bastardization of Stoicism? Why can’t it be Cynicism or fucking Bellicose philosophy it’s always fucking bastardized Stoicism.
Probably because they think of it as manly logical philosophy. I always liked stoicism because it helps with my panic attacks and it’s always weird hearing these guys talk about it. But also bad stoicism doesn’t challenge them, it doesn’t ask them to reconsider their actions, or to reevaluate anything. It merely says to be tough.
And in that vein it isn’t just bad stoicism. Some of them get into neitzche or get really into egoism and do that about as well as their goddess Ayn Rand.
They just want to hear that they’re smart and special and should be in charge.
Also whatever the absolute fuck is going on with “Rationalism” which much like objectivism is quite the opposite of what it’s called. Seriously I feel like these STEM weirdos need to be forced to camp by themselves for a month or so, just factory reset them.
Be careful what you wish for. I thought lsd would fix them but no, instead of becoming one with humanity and the earth they made it weird and tried to act like it was the secret to getting vc money.
So yeah they might just get into month long camping alone and start influencing on it and gentrifying fucking off into the woods.
And yeah rationalism and objectivism are so yikes it hurts. And their understanding of Stirner is lackluster at best. These are the sort of people who would read proudhon and only take away the bigotry or decide that since all property is theft they should just start stealing