What users care about is how long it takes to get a kWh (which directly translates to range) into your battery because that determines how long you have to charge.
The literal definition of Speed is distance/time which happens to fit (word wise not mathematically) exactly to what we do here. How much (potential) travel distance can we transfer into the car in a given amount of time.
The max capacity of the battery is completely irrelevant, because you dont usually charge to 100% because after 70-80% the power going into the battery drops down significantly.
What users care about is how long it takes to get a kWh (which directly translates to range) into your battery because that determines how long you have to charge.
The literal definition of Speed is distance/time which happens to fit (word wise not mathematically) exactly to what we do here. How much (potential) travel distance can we transfer into the car in a given amount of time.
The max capacity of the battery is completely irrelevant, because you dont usually charge to 100% because after 70-80% the power going into the battery drops down significantly.