And in “tell Us Something we Didn’t Already Know” news.

  • @[email protected]
    716 days ago

    I didn’t really know what the Green Party was until a few years ago. I originally thought Green meant pro-environment but it really just stands for green cash money from Daddy Vlad.

      • @[email protected]
        6 days ago

        I’m not sure if she was or wasn’t, but depending on the Congress, they may have also “cleared” the issue of SA with Brett Kavenaugh. Congress isn’t exactly a trustworthy primary source.

        • @[email protected]
          05 days ago

          Currently the Democrats are in charge. If she was truly a Russian agent couldn’t they easily start another investigation to bar her from running?

      • Socialist Mormon Satanist
        6 days ago


        But people here don’t want to address that because it disrupts their narrative.

        The truth is, no matter what she did or didn’t do, the hostility would be the same because she’s not Harris.

        They get upset at anyone who isn’t pledging their vote to Harris, and that’s the real reason behind all the hate here. In fact, look at your downvotes for asking a simple question. lmao

    • @[email protected]
      -166 days ago

      Is that any worse than the other parties who pay billions to daddy bibi for the privilege of sucking his cock? Honest question.

      • @[email protected]
        26 days ago

        As much of a problem Israel is the fact of the matter is Putin and the Russian state as a whole is well infinitely bigger. A coalition could remove Israel in an afternoon, Russia not so much.

          • @[email protected]
            15 days ago

            Compared to what is gained by otherwise ignoring it? Genocide in the Levant doesnt quite register for such actions yet. I aint happy about it either, but a lot of the problem is that there are still enough Silent, Boomers, and Gen X in governments who think that even criticizing Israel makes them at best aligned with Nazis making them hesitant at best towards making Israel a fucken parking lot.

            I severely doubt such kids gloves would be used with most other countries in the region, with the exception of places like the UAE, Dubai, and Saudi Arabia. But they have oil and may throw a hissy fit and will crash the world economy again. Seriously the worst thing about the end of colonialism is that the Arabian peninsula cant be colonized and the local authorities ignored.

          • @[email protected]
            5 days ago

            The irony of complaining about genocide while at the exact same moment considering the possibility to “remove Israel”.

            • @[email protected]
              5 days ago

              The irony of complaining about genocide while at the exact same moment considering the possibility to “remove Nazi Germany”.

              Does that make it easier for you to see how what you’re saying is silly?

              Israel is an apartheid regime that’s doing genocide… There were Jews in Palestine before Israel. Hating Israel and wanting it gone is not the same as wanting to kill and remove and entire people group. Killing an entire people group is what Israel stands for.

              Also how crazy is it that the usa allows Israel to lobby it’s politicians with this much money.

              • @[email protected]
                5 days ago

                The US killed more innocent civilians in 1 night of world war 2 then the total number of palestinians, militants and civilians combined, that Israel has killed in the entire 75 year history of it’s existence.

                And true irony is complaining about apartheid when there are more Arabs on the Israeli supreme court then there are Jews living free in all of Palestine.

                • @[email protected]
                  35 days ago

                  Well I’m not a fan of the US government either and won’t defend them. Don’t you think the goddamn atom bomb being dropped on a city is an insanely high bar for what atrocities are acceptable lmao

                  But what a weird argument. Think about what you’re saying for a minute: The US killed more civilians with a nuke before. Therefore, Israel can kill as many innocent civilians and children as they want. Yikes dude. That’s a bad argument and devoid of any real reason. You ok?

                  !Irony is complaining about apartheid when there are more Arabs on the Israeli supreme court then there are Jews living free in all of Palestine. !<

                  I mean Israel is in Palestine… So do you not think the Jews in Israel are living free?

                  You’re trying to justify genocide and apartheid. Really think about what side that puts you on.

                  • @[email protected]
                    -15 days ago

                    I wasn’t talking about the atom bomb. I was talking about how many innocent civilian deaths it took to “remove Nazi Germany”.

                    Let me ask you an honest question - do you believe Vladimir Putin when he claims that zionist ukraine is committing genocide in the donbass region, or are you aware that klepto-fascist dictators lie about that sort of thing?