• @[email protected]
    19 days ago

    Talk about voting against your own interests. Imagine if all this hype were true and Trump took Michigan, Wisconsin, and Arizona because of a Stein spoiler effect (or JFK jr or whatever other hypothetical). Can you imagine how dumb you’d feel as one of those voters, as you watched Trump rounding up “immigrants” in February 2025?

    • abff08f4813c
      115 days ago

      It’s almost as if we should insist on RJK Jr being kept on the ballot so he can be a spoiler and take votes from the GOP candidate!

    • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
      -219 days ago

      They are free to vote for who they wish. Even if you don’t like that person. They can make their own decisions about that. As can you. And me.

      • @[email protected]
        019 days ago

        In our first past the post system, as it stands, that’s the same as not voting or just throwing the vote away.

        While the intention is there for every vote to count, the sad reality is that a third party vote is useless at best, and helping the person you don’t want at worst.

        Unless we remove FPTP, two directly opposite parties with little crossover is the inevitable outcome, given enough time.

        • TheHiddenCatboy
          019 days ago

          The truth is that third parties are bad, period, in a FPTP system.

          It doesn’t matter who the third party is, or what they stand for. Three idiots voting for shiny distraction candidates in a 51/49 vote split from the 51 vote ‘coalition’ ensure that all 51 voters get whatever the 49 voters picked because 49 is better than 48 plus three third party votes. It’s even MORE important when those three votes enable Agolf Twitler to be elected into office and round up all the gays, Muslims, minorities, and whoever else dares step out of line of the new Right-Wing Authoritarian Dictatorship detailed in Project 2025.

        • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
          -119 days ago

          the sad reality is that a third party vote is useless at best, and helping the person you don’t want at worst.

          And will continue to be as long as people refuse to vote third party out of fear.

          Unless we remove FPTP

          And neither the Democrats nor the Republicans want that to happen. So I’m voting third party. Proudly.

          • @[email protected]
            019 days ago

            And will continue to be as long as people refuse to vote third party out of fear.

            No it will be that way as long as our FPTP system and Electoral College remains as it is. A third party in our election system will be a spoiler candidate. They will always take votes from another more popular candidate, and given enough third party votes will result in the least popular candidate winning.

            That is the system we have, like it or not. Sticking your head in the sand and being an idiot about it doesn’t help change reality.

            We need to implement ranked choice voting and remove the FPTP system to actually start seeing candidates that reflect our beliefs instead of having the same two football teams.

            So I’m voting third party. Proudly.

            Good for you. Throwing away your vote and actively working against reality isn’t the win you seem to think it is. But you’re free to be an idiot, this country is built on allowing everyone to be an idiot, and it’s exactly what the leaders of both large parties want to have happen. You vote, but your vote means less almost every other vote because of the system it was cast in.

            Congratulations for accomplishing nothing, at best. At least you feel superior to others for it.

            • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
              -119 days ago

              Good for you.

              Thank you! :)

              By the way, voting based on principle isn’t “throwing away” a vote in my eyes; it’s exercising the right to stand for policies and candidates that truly reflect personal values.

              By dismissing third-party voters as “idiots,” you’re ignoring the importance of challenging a flawed system that keeps voters stuck in a two-party stranglehold. Real change happens when people refuse to settle for less and push for a political landscape where every vote genuinely matters.

              • @[email protected]
                019 days ago

                The Green Party isn’t doing shit to try to fix the system, and is just as hypocritical as the bigger parties.

                It’s a throwaway vote whether you want to admit it or not.

                • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
                  19 days ago

                  It’s a throwaway vote whether you want to admit it or not.

                  Not to me. I feel that voting based on principle isn’t “throwing away” a vote; it’s exercising the right to stand for policies and candidates that truly reflect my personal values.

                  I support and respect your right to your opinion. I just don’t agree with it.

                  • TheHiddenCatboy
                    018 days ago

                    No, you really don’t support or respect anyone else’s right to an opinion. Otherwise you wouldn’t be shitting so hard on people’s opinions on Lemmy, despite being downvoted on most of your opinions and called out repeatedly. You’re here to force your opinion down our throat, and not for the purpose of enlightening us. There is another purpose here. One that has nothing to do with trying to convince an audience you stubbornly haven’t read. I won’t go further than that (thanks Rule 3) but I said what I said.

      • @[email protected]M
        019 days ago

        Voting for anyone other than Harris harms their own interests.

        Given free rein, Trump will revoke their citizenship, detain them in concentration camps, and deport them.




        Nobody but Harris can prevent this because nobody other than Harris or Trump can win. You vote Harris or you support the above.

        • @[email protected]
          -218 days ago

          Don’t tell other people what our interests are. Many of our are interests are no genocide. For many of us, our interests are getting rid of capitalism that’s running our government. For many of us, it’s getting rid of organizations like AIPAC that spent $100 million buying loyalty. For many of us, it’s getting rid of the fascist police state that our country is headed into. Both red fascist and blue fascists are equally contributing to the demise of what Democrats say they’re trying to protect.

          • @[email protected]
            118 days ago

            But you do however want to make sure other people do. Enough to post every 19 minutes toward that goal.

            • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
              -218 days ago

              The hate and false accusations I received here directly led to the creation of a new community where even more Republican and third-party views will now be discussed alongside democrat articles.

              Isn’t that ironic? By trying to quiet me, you just made me speak up louder. Now the very views that you wanted to limit, are going be even more available. Well done!

              • @[email protected]
                118 days ago

                Yes we all came into your home with a gun, pointed it at you, and ordered you post every 19 minutes.

                • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
                  -218 days ago

                  I don’t have to explain anything to you. And thanks for making me important since you like to keep stats on me. Be sure to update us too!

                  • @[email protected]
                    118 days ago

                    20 seconds of basic math might be hard for you, but that doesn’t make you important for anyone else. It makes you obsessive and the explanation for the obsession is beyond obvious.

      • @[email protected]
        119 days ago

        The problem is that if these people are voting for Jill Stein, then they are not actually voting for who they wish. Jill Stein is not the person who they think she is.

        If she were to magically win the election, they’d by-and-large be extraordinarily disappointed in the result.

        This is why misinformation and disinformation is so destructive in a democracy. The voters need to be properly informed.

        • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
          19 days ago

          Jill Stein is not the person who they think she is

          So are you saying that Muslim-American’s aren’t smart enough to figure out for themselves who they should vote for and who they believe in?!

          If she were to magically win the election, they’d by-and-large be extraordinarily disappointed in the result.

          You don’t know that. You THINK that, but that’s your opinion.

          This is why misinformation and disinformation is so destructive in a democracy. The voters need to be properly informed.

          They are properly informed, because they have the same access to news that you do. There is nothing that you are doing and/or reading that they can’t.

          So YOU are smart enough to figure it out, but Muslim American’s are not? Is that what you are implying?!

          • Rhaedas
            019 days ago

            They are properly informed, because they have the same access to news that you do.

            I question if these two are the same. For any candidate. I also laugh at any group being called informed, because there definitely is disinformation out there everywhere, more and more.

            This has nothing to do with the topic, only an overall observation that no one can claim any group is “properly informed”. “Properly” also is a loaded word…I don’t think you meant it nefariously, but it could be read that way.

          • @[email protected]
            19 days ago

            Muslim Americans are idiots. So are Christian Americans, and atheist Americans, and African Americans, and European Americans. Americans are either stupid and delusional, or burnt out and apathetic. Americans who are aware of the world around them and engaged enough to do something about it are incredibly few and far between.

            • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
              19 days ago

              Not cool, friend. Saying that “Muslim Americans are idiots” is not the way to make your point. Ewww… Reported for civility.

              • TheHiddenCatboy
                119 days ago

                See, mods? This is how this poster views our civility rules. A weapon to shut us down so it can spew its opinions unopposed.

                • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
                  19 days ago

                  Having rules for this community isn’t about using them as a “weapon to shut us down,” but rather a way to foster genuine discussions, encourage diverse opinions, and prevent personal attacks or name-calling.

                  Friend, he called Muslim Americans “idiots.” That’s uncivil and not allowed. And I find it sad that you are defending a comment like that. Even tho you and I have our different opinions, I expected more from you.

                  • TheHiddenCatboy
                    018 days ago

                    Fortunately you’re not a moderator and don’t get to say what is and is not allowed. Rule 3 does allow us to say that Muslim Americans, or indeed anyone else, who votes Third Party or stays home as morons. We just can’t call you (and you can’t call us) morons directly.

                  • @[email protected]
                    019 days ago

                    So a way to do all the things you aren’t doing? If this is a way to parody lib civility nonsense then you are doing a bang up job.

            • TheHiddenCatboy
              119 days ago

              I’d not go this far, but let’s be frank. Anyone who votes for Jill Stein is an idiot. For all the reasons you articulated that the OP put words in your mouth for. Stein is a spoiler. Nothing more. And anyone who votes for her or any of the other distractors on the Left is making a bone-headed idiotic move that could see them rounded up by Trump goon squads next year.

              • @[email protected]
                119 days ago

                Oh i didn’t articulate those reasons, that was a different (and probably less cynical) person lol, but yes you are correct.