• @[email protected]
    03 months ago

    I’ve seen this criticism of replacing Biden often recently “it’s too late! We won’t have time!”

    Putting aside for the moment that it isn’t late at all and complaints that it is feel like talking points, Biden IS old. The stats on someone his age dying that year are extremely high. There is a good chance he dies before the election.

    If there isn’t a plan to deal with that fairly likely possibility, then there isn’t a plan to win.

    Anyone in a position of power in the DNC making this claim is them confessing their own incompetence.

    • Snot Flickerman
      3 months ago

      Hey man I’ve been dealing with the shitty outcomes of the politicians who lead this party being unwilling to listen to the public until well after the public has been proven right for my entire adult life.

      I said Biden was too old in 2020. He’s even too older now. The party didn’t give a fuck and has spent their time hiding it and fucking us out of having primaries.

      Who do you think will choose the new candidate? The same super delegates who gave us Hillary Clinton? It won’t be a people’s vote at the convention, it will be delegates, many of which are party apparatchiks.

      Do you think the people who hid Biden’s issues this late in the game will suddenly make a good choice? I don’t. The party fucked us into this position and I do not think they are capable of unfucking us, sorry. Biden is who we have, alive or dead.