Since the end of January, thousands of people across the globe have received a stop work order as a result of the new US administration’s decision to “pause” global aid for 90 days. In the field of transitional justice, from conflict to post-conflict countries, from small NGOs working with survivors of rape to large behemoths providing advice to state’s institutions, nearly every organisation has been affected.

  • @[email protected]
    113 days ago

    I hope the irony isn’t lost on people that the richest man in the world is literally causing the poorest people in the world to die.

    • @[email protected]
      23 days ago

      Once you get enough money, you begin to equate having it with being significant, or of importance. This leads you to, conversely, believe that those without it are insignificant, and of little importance. Thus, in his mind, he is like a a great cosmological wheat thresher, separating the wheat from the chaff of our genetic pool. Thus self-aggrandizement naturally walks hand-in-hand with a want to practice eugenics.

      This is a man who saw Idiocracy, and his take away was to focus on removing the over-reproducing “idiots” from the gene pool by removing any support they would need to reproduce. His only measure of whether or not someone is “good enough” to reproduce, is their ability to obtain currency.

      Instead of focusing on social programs that would educate and raise the tide (thus lifting all boats), he’d rather a bunch of people die needlessly, never once imagining that the next Einstein, Picasso, or Tesla might be among the culled.

      Here is a partial list of great scientists that arose from poverty to achieve great things